Taking my need to be a most detailed and sharable person of networking I hold - I have the right to use my informational network as I choose - BARKING AGAIN -- this is real life -- Thank you

  • Avatar
    James Driskill

    Your Bark has been rejected. Please email team@bark.com for more information.

    When detail is detail - I am really a detailed person.

    To the knowing truth, Grammarly Reported -- Absolutely No Issues Found.

    BTW: I do not talk about people behind their back!



    I actually had two additional photos attached --- as images were allowed -- they appear below.   Thank you for reading.

     I do consider this -- as it is truth everlasting - hope to get a true help somewhere to see the smoke and fire and hate guts and glory -- the haters under this roof - take to the situation - happened when I got up to take a piss -- Never mind right now!

    Seriously! As for what happened, I have to call my mother's doctor tomorrow. To report my mother is a danger to


    This is going to be a "wild one" to understand. My name is James Martin Driskill and indeed I do have a presence online of what is a school.  I refuse the concept that the persons who are face to face living in the house that I grew up in, the family home since I was age 5, now 56, is an allowable "hostile environment" that recently my nephew [ Brother's Son ] did indeed KICK IN my bedroom door.  I have been here in this house again since July of 2017.  My mother tells me she supports me but really is a creature unmotherly.  I am trying to be nice here. There is an underlying story that is one to see the reality of -- and as of April 6th, 2020, there begins to find actual scientific research posted on the National Institutes of Health [ niv.gov ] the subject matter that for now, I am not going to mention. This condition that I am under, then obviously applies to a large collective of persons who are living in the United States of America.  My father passed away in 2013, however, in 2006, when I had the first created an internet domain of substance in view of the mission of a man here and peacebuilding, I asked my father for permission to register [ @gruwup.net ] at this house address when in defeat in Oakland CA -- I had to come back to this house. My personal entire background residency is screwed up seriously.  There was an eviction case and a hate harassment situation that occurred in Oakland and once again in Denver.  The region-to-region experiences of this outside interfering presence in my life are noted in the NIH.GOV research first posted on April 6th, 2020.  As of current, there is actually 3 separate research finding publications on the subject. This family's values are completely twisted. I have had to dial 911 several times over the years on the view of my own knowing the escalating energy under this roof is not right and not peaceful.  The matter can not be resolved.  I am stuck! Once again, now we have to consider and understand how the San Bernardino Police and San Bernardino County Sheriff's office are involved.  I think the best way to make it understood is in a few that might bring resonance to what I am needing- I am needing to be able to hold and keep the mindset of school orientation that my father did give me permission to use this address.  And if that is not what a family takes into view, as a common value, they are outside of peace.  They are doing exactly what I am suggesting. They are gaslighting me.  Mentally abusing me.  Taking no reason to respect me in this house. This house is my mother's --- but in the view of the law -- I am a tenant.  My mother is not a responsible adult. In fact, she at 80 might indeed need to be put into a mental observation situation in a hospital for doing these actions against me and they are documented.  As far as the San Bernardino Police are considered here, the Auditor's office of the State of California recently released a report that had 4 police agencies in view of this audit.  I call the audit in question to a grade of F.


    You will find this quite strange I think. The reason why most likely is something that goes to how I do not feel very safe at all in my very own hometown. [ why?  and what? or who? ]


    Agency Comments

    Each of the departments that submitted written responses to our report generally agreed with our recommendations, with some exceptions. Stockton Police did not clearly state whether it would implement our recommendations but noted that it would analyze our audit and see how it can align its policies and procedures with best practices. San Bernardino Police did not submit a written response to our report; however, we incorporate its perspective on our findings and recommendations throughout the text of the report.


    NO!  NO!   The text above to this point has the following status:

    Tone detector

    How this may sound to readers:


    Again, does that say formal?  I am writing this most formally.  Yes, That is my skill set.  Yes, I am the owner of a school for peace building and also as an adult consent thought and practices school.  A startup project in Denver Colorado.  OMG   [ Bark.com? ]   BARK BARK BARK -- SCREAMING -- NEEDING THE BALANCE TO HAVE MY PRESENCE IN THIS HOUSE RESPECTED! NEVER WILL THEY BE OPEN MINDED TO THIS CORRECTION THAT MUST HAPPEN IN VIEW --- Sirs, Something Very Very Sinister here.  I can't believe my mother is such evil but is the only thing that puts everything into perspective.   She does not have the legal right to mentally abuse me as she has.  She is playing mind fuck games, and I need a person to act as a "HALL MONITOR" to the observance of what she does.  I need to know if she can or can not actually control herself in these competitive elements that somehow she has turned on me.  The details are grim. The details are real. She thinks they are going to believe her over me apparently. I need a hall monitor to the position to gather an evidenced track as I am becoming open and viewing from outside -- the poplar -- in the view of this equation.


    I need some LEVERAGE that she actually follows through to help me save my life.  I am dying, a human no longer breathing dead dying because I cannot have true doctor provider care in my view of life in a trusted opening of doctor/patient-centered communications. I told her I need help because I am not able to do this myself. She has never truly been helped, even though she claims otherwise. I have asked her if she can not help, to get someone else. I am at a loss as to why most recently, as the images reflect -- my bedroom door was kicked in, the interactions with my nephew here, emulating my mother's attempts.  She will not leave me alone when I tell her to go away.  She attempted to actually enter my room in a sequence that indeed two prior times, I have hard slammed the door to purposefully ajar the door so it could not open.  I used the window as my entry.  She is manipulating me and will not confess that she lies and that she is in this shitty way that is not my mother but unmotherly.  [ that is is a word ].

    To the San Bernardino Police and why they have no written response in the audit goes to the heart of the matter I would suppose.  Since I have all of my interactions with everything, including the San Bernardino Police on record in my digital online presence journal space which is indeed added as a "search console" into google..... A written response that was not true, because that would be what they would do, individually me especially, I would be able to give counterpointing records of written records from me -- whomever that would be of course would be in very very very serious trouble. Because of me, bark.com,, more likely than not, to a point 85% more likely true, they matter is extreme -- and it continues into 12 hours ago.  My mother attempted to schedule a phone meeting with my primary care doctor --set for the 6th of June at 2 pm -- and I keep telling her, that these doctors are not trustworthy.  She keeps saying things to me like I am supposed to comply with this bullshit.  I keep telling her, I will not comply with such unprofessionalism.  There is a 2003 NIH.GOV document I quote from - not a single word I have received from any of the Doctors -- even on the PatientPortal of Kareo for Inland Psych.  Something will not break in my mother to be on my side.  She will take this situation all of the ways until I die. I am not making it up. I have the evidence -- I am at a loss to know what exactly to do. She does not listen to me and has no thinking processes to adjust herself to that view -- she thinks somehow to make me the bad guy. I am not the bad guy here. I need a person around me that can be more to a point of role -- the way the world works is not the way this family is.  The world is something way different than the acceptable and allowances being taken to their extremes.  They are playing games they have no business playing with me.  I don't know what to do. I need code enforcement of commons decency and to see if she can handle the control to not do what she does if someone else is actually interfaced into my purposed of mission and school here in this house.  I have $8000 in my account, and I would really consider this an expense and investment into the idealism to break into view -- successfully -- from the sabotage happening in view of family dynamics. Seriously.  You said to meet any budget.  This is the DESCRIPTION IN FULL OF MY REQUEST.  DETAIL. I HOPE THERE IS NO UPPER LIMIT ON TEXT SIZE IN THIS UPDATE.  There are so many situations and presentations here ready of substance to these dynamics to bring a PERSPECTIVE of realism. I have been and continue to reach out as best as I can -- HELP ME PLEASE - I AM DYING!  DYING - DYING!

    I should not be DYING!


    1 Hour 27 Minutes -- #TheLongForm:


    If you take an open this FAX TRANSMISSION LOG Stored Recently of the efforts I have attempted to reach out for help from the various agencies of resource, something wrong here -- very wrong.




    SIT DOWN, AND TAKE THE VIEW -- THIS IS MY HEALTH PLAN GROUP - Prospect Medical -- Presented Here are the Google Reviews On Record -- Seriously - Down - you are not going to believe this -- Most of all of the written versions of the presentation have spoken voice media audio narrative interface.

    Audio In This is 2 Hours - This is Real!  I am presenting this -- because I have made the need to document every aspect of this -- situation - crisis critical.


    and I CAN NOT EVEN GET THIS INTO THE VIEW OF MY FAMILY IN THREE PARTS.  Remember, my father gave me the permission of placing this address of this family house into the view of my work and mission - that is being intentionally subverted by my very own family of these years. My father is spinning in his grave -- I swear!


    These are the titles of each part - Loving Battlefields must be really really made to the need my mother has to take herself out of attacking her son - continuously involved in this house.  It is EXTREME!


    Part 1
    OGG Audio
    38 Minutes

    Part 2
    OGG Audio
    18 Minutes

    URL: [ yes this location is related completely to my mother ]:


    Part 3
    OGG Audio
    120 Minutes
    Sacrament is a Christian Rite


    No matter who you are, you can not separate me and my ability from the informational network I own. I do not accept such a state of dysfunction and disorder - to satisfy hate and abuse --- family or otherwise!
    I just do not know what to do!

    James Martin Driskill
    3260 Grande Vista
    San Bernardino CA 92405

    I need an observer to prove she can actually control herself to not be continuously bonded in a hate agenda against me.  Thank you.






  • Avatar
    Hi James,
    Thanks for your email.
    Unfortunately, we cannot find a record for this email address.
    Please could you kindly confirm which email address you use to access our site or that we usually contact you on?
    Once we’ve identified you, we will then be able to assist.

    Kind Regards,

    The Bark Team
    Want a discount on credits? Book your subscription callback here: https://bit.ly/3wDe6ek
    Check out Google's write up on us - https://ads.google.com/intl/en_uk/home/success-stories/bark/

  • Avatar
    James Driskill

    My Name Is Martin Driskill.

    Forwarding upward to the email address - and will begin from there.

    We can separate the family connections at this point.

    Thank you.

    [ All Seriousness ] -- 


    ---------- Forwarded message ---------
    From: Bark.com <team@bark.com>
    Date: Tue, Jun 7, 2022 at 9:31 AM
    Subject: [Request received] Taking my need to be a most detailed and sharable person of networking I hold - I have the right to use my informational network as I choose - BARK...
    To: James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>

    Jonathan (Bark.com)

    7 Jun 2022, 17:31 BST

    Hi James,
    Thanks for your email.
    Unfortunately, we cannot find a record for this email address.
    Please could you kindly confirm which email address you use to access our site or that we usually contact you on?
    Once we’ve identified you, we will then be able to assist.

    Kind Regards,

    The Bark Team
    Want a discount on credits? Book your subscription callback here: https://bit.ly/3wDe6ek
    Check out Google's write up on us - https://ads.google.com/intl/en_uk/home/success-stories/bark/

    James Driskill

    7 Jun 2022, 12:51 BST

    Your Bark has been rejected. Please email team@bark.com for more information.

    When detail is detail - I am really a detailed person.

    To the knowing truth, Grammarly Reported -- Absolutely No Issues Found.

    BTW: I do not talk about people behind their back!



    I actually had two additional photos attached --- as images were allowed -- they appear below.   Thank you for reading.

     I do consider this -- as it is truth everlasting - hope to get a true help somewhere to see the smoke and fire and hate guts and glory -- the haters under this roof - take to the situation - happened when I got up to take a piss -- Never mind right now!

    Seriously! As for what happened, I have to call my mother's doctor tomorrow. To report my mother is a danger to


    This is going to be a "wild one" to understand. My name is James Martin Driskill and indeed I do have a presence online of what is a school.  I refuse the concept that the persons who are face to face living in the house that I grew up in, the family home since I was age 5, now 56, is an allowable "hostile environment" that recently my nephew [ Brother's Son ] did indeed KICK IN my bedroom door.  I have been here in this house again since July of 2017.  My mother tells me she supports me but really is a creature unmotherly.  I am trying to be nice here. There is an underlying story that is one to see the reality of -- and as of April 6th, 2020, there begins to find actual scientific research posted on the National Institutes of Health [ niv.gov ] the subject matter that for now, I am not going to mention. This condition that I am under, then obviously applies to a large collective of persons who are living in the United States of America.  My father passed away in 2013, however, in 2006, when I had the first created an internet domain of substance in view of the mission of a man here and peacebuilding, I asked my father for permission to register [ @gruwup.net ] at this house address when in defeat in Oakland CA -- I had to come back to this house. My personal entire background residency is screwed up seriously.  There was an eviction case and a hate harassment situation that occurred in Oakland and once again in Denver.  The region-to-region experiences of this outside interfering presence in my life are noted in the NIH.GOV research first posted on April 6th, 2020.  As of current, there is actually 3 separate research finding publications on the subject. This family's values are completely twisted. I have had to dial 911 several times over the years on the view of my own knowing the escalating energy under this roof is not right and not peaceful.  The matter can not be resolved.  I am stuck! Once again, now we have to consider and understand how the San Bernardino Police and San Bernardino County Sheriff's office are involved.  I think the best way to make it understood is in a few that might bring resonance to what I am needing- I am needing to be able to hold and keep the mindset of school orientation that my father did give me permission to use this address.  And if that is not what a family takes into view, as a common value, they are outside of peace.  They are doing exactly what I am suggesting. They are gaslighting me.  Mentally abusing me.  Taking no reason to respect me in this house. This house is my mother's --- but in the view of the law -- I am a tenant.  My mother is not a responsible adult. In fact, she at 80 might indeed need to be put into a mental observation situation in a hospital for doing these actions against me and they are documented.  As far as the San Bernardino Police are considered here, the Auditor's office of the State of California recently released a report that had 4 police agencies in view of this audit.  I call the audit in question to a grade of F.


    You will find this quite strange I think. The reason why most likely is something that goes to how I do not feel very safe at all in my very own hometown. [ why?  and what? or who? ]


    Agency Comments

    Each of the departments that submitted written responses to our report generally agreed with our recommendations, with some exceptions. Stockton Police did not clearly state whether it would implement our recommendations but noted that it would analyze our audit and see how it can align its policies and procedures with best practices. San Bernardino Police did not submit a written response to our report; however, we incorporate its perspective on our findings and recommendations throughout the text of the report.


    NO!  NO!   The text above to this point has the following status:

    Tone detector

    How this may sound to readers:


    Again, does that say formal?  I am writing this most formally.  Yes, That is my skill set.  Yes, I am the owner of a school for peace building and also as an adult consent thought and practices school.  A startup project in Denver Colorado.  OMG   [ Bark.com? ]   BARK BARK BARK -- SCREAMING -- NEEDING THE BALANCE TO HAVE MY PRESENCE IN THIS HOUSE RESPECTED! NEVER WILL THEY BE OPEN MINDED TO THIS CORRECTION THAT MUST HAPPEN IN VIEW --- Sirs, Something Very Very Sinister here.  I can't believe my mother is such evil but is the only thing that puts everything into perspective.   She does not have the legal right to mentally abuse me as she has.  She is playing mind fuck games, and I need a person to act as a "HALL MONITOR" to the observance of what she does.  I need to know if she can or can not actually control herself in these competitive elements that somehow she has turned on me.  The details are grim. The details are real. She thinks they are going to believe her over me apparently. I need a hall monitor to the position to gather an evidenced track as I am becoming open and viewing from outside -- the poplar -- in the view of this equation.


    I need some LEVERAGE that she actually follows through to help me save my life.  I am dying, a human no longer breathing dead dying because I cannot have true doctor provider care in my view of life in a trusted opening of doctor/patient-centered communications. I told her I need help because I am not able to do this myself. She has never truly been helped, even though she claims otherwise. I have asked her if she can not help, to get someone else. I am at a loss as to why most recently, as the images reflect -- my bedroom door was kicked in, the interactions with my nephew here, emulating my mother's attempts.  She will not leave me alone when I tell her to go away.  She attempted to actually enter my room in a sequence that indeed two prior times, I have hard slammed the door to purposefully ajar the door so it could not open.  I used the window as my entry.  She is manipulating me and will not confess that she lies and that she is in this shitty way that is not my mother but unmotherly.  [ that is is a word ].

    To the San Bernardino Police and why they have no written response in the audit goes to the heart of the matter I would suppose.  Since I have all of my interactions with everything, including the San Bernardino Police on record in my digital online presence journal space which is indeed added as a "search console" into google..... A written response that was not true, because that would be what they would do, individually me especially, I would be able to give counterpointing records of written records from me -- whomever that would be of course would be in very very very serious trouble. Because of me, bark.com,, more likely than not, to a point 85% more likely true, they matter is extreme -- and it continues into 12 hours ago.  My mother attempted to schedule a phone meeting with my primary care doctor --set for the 6th of June at 2 pm -- and I keep telling her, that these doctors are not trustworthy.  She keeps saying things to me like I am supposed to comply with this bullshit.  I keep telling her, I will not comply with such unprofessionalism.  There is a 2003 NIH.GOV document I quote from - not a single word I have received from any of the Doctors -- even on the PatientPortal of Kareo for Inland Psych.  Something will not break in my mother to be on my side.  She will take this situation all of the ways until I die. I am not making it up. I have the evidence -- I am at a loss to know what exactly to do. She does not listen to me and has no thinking processes to adjust herself to that view -- she thinks somehow to make me the bad guy. I am not the bad guy here. I need a person around me that can be more to a point of role -- the way the world works is not the way this family is.  The world is something way different than the acceptable and allowances being taken to their extremes.  They are playing games they have no business playing with me.  I don't know what to do. I need code enforcement of commons decency and to see if she can handle the control to not do what she does if someone else is actually interfaced into my purposed of mission and school here in this house.  I have $8000 in my account, and I would really consider this an expense and investment into the idealism to break into view -- successfully -- from the sabotage happening in view of family dynamics. Seriously.  You said to meet any budget.  This is the DESCRIPTION IN FULL OF MY REQUEST.  DETAIL. I HOPE THERE IS NO UPPER LIMIT ON TEXT SIZE IN THIS UPDATE.  There are so many situations and presentations here ready of substance to these dynamics to bring a PERSPECTIVE of realism. I have been and continue to reach out as best as I can -- HELP ME PLEASE - I AM DYING!  DYING - DYING!

    I should not be DYING!


    1 Hour 27 Minutes -- #TheLongForm:


    If you take an open this FAX TRANSMISSION LOG Stored Recently of the efforts I have attempted to reach out for help from the various agencies of resource, something wrong here -- very wrong.




    SIT DOWN, AND TAKE THE VIEW -- THIS IS MY HEALTH PLAN GROUP - Prospect Medical -- Presented Here are the Google Reviews On Record -- Seriously - Down - you are not going to believe this -- Most of all of the written versions of the presentation have spoken voice media audio narrative interface.

    Audio In This is 2 Hours - This is Real!  I am presenting this -- because I have made the need to document every aspect of this -- situation - crisis critical.


    and I CAN NOT EVEN GET THIS INTO THE VIEW OF MY FAMILY IN THREE PARTS.  Remember, my father gave me the permission of placing this address of this family house into the view of my work and mission - that is being intentionally subverted by my very own family of these years. My father is spinning in his grave -- I swear!


    These are the titles of each part - Loving Battlefields must be really really made to the need my mother has to take herself out of attacking her son - continuously involved in this house.  It is EXTREME!


    Part 1
    OGG Audio
    38 Minutes

    Part 2
    OGG Audio
    18 Minutes

    URL: [ yes this location is related completely to my mother ]:


    Part 3
    OGG Audio
    120 Minutes
    Sacrament is a Christian Rite


    No matter who you are, you can not separate me and my ability from the informational network I own. I do not accept such a state of dysfunction and disorder - to satisfy hate and abuse --- family or otherwise!
    I just do not know what to do!

    James Martin Driskill
    3260 Grande Vista
    San Bernardino CA 92405

    I need an observer to prove she can actually control herself to not be continuously bonded in a hate agenda against me.  Thank you.






  • Avatar
    Factsdontlie Hatedon Idied

    Thank you for responding to my email. 

    I do not know how to explain all of this.


    What is happening here -- the details of this story - are very much real.

    I do not lie, cheat, or steal my way through life. 


    Can we find some truth in our conversations - NOT FAKE HERE!

    Thank you.

    On Tue, Jun 7, 2022 at 1:07 PM James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com> wrote:

    My Name Is Martin Driskill.

    Forwarding upward to the email address - and will begin from there.

    We can separate the family connections at this point.

    Thank you.

    [ All Seriousness ] -- 


    ---------- Forwarded message ---------
    From: Bark.com <team@bark.com>
    Date: Tue, Jun 7, 2022 at 9:31 AM
    Subject: [Request received] Taking my need to be a most detailed and sharable person of networking I hold - I have the right to use my informational network as I choose - BARK...
    To: James Driskill <inthemindway@gmail.com>

    Jonathan (Bark.com)

    7 Jun 2022, 17:31 BST

    Hi James,
    Thanks for your email.
    Unfortunately, we cannot find a record for this email address.
    Please could you kindly confirm which email address you use to access our site or that we usually contact you on?
    Once we’ve identified you, we will then be able to assist.

    Kind Regards,

    The Bark Team
    Want a discount on credits? Book your subscription callback here: https://bit.ly/3wDe6ek
    Check out Google's write up on us - https://ads.google.com/intl/en_uk/home/success-stories/bark/

    James Driskill

    7 Jun 2022, 12:51 BST

    Your Bark has been rejected. Please email team@bark.com for more information.

    When detail is detail - I am really a detailed person.

    To the knowing truth, Grammarly Reported -- Absolutely No Issues Found.

    BTW: I do not talk about people behind their back!



    I actually had two additional photos attached --- as images were allowed -- they appear below.   Thank you for reading.

     I do consider this -- as it is truth everlasting - hope to get a true help somewhere to see the smoke and fire and hate guts and glory -- the haters under this roof - take to the situation - happened when I got up to take a piss -- Never mind right now!

    Seriously! As for what happened, I have to call my mother's doctor tomorrow. To report my mother is a danger to


    This is going to be a "wild one" to understand. My name is James Martin Driskill and indeed I do have a presence online of what is a school.  I refuse the concept that the persons who are face to face living in the house that I grew up in, the family home since I was age 5, now 56, is an allowable "hostile environment" that recently my nephew [ Brother's Son ] did indeed KICK IN my bedroom door.  I have been here in this house again since July of 2017.  My mother tells me she supports me but really is a creature unmotherly.  I am trying to be nice here. There is an underlying story that is one to see the reality of -- and as of April 6th, 2020, there begins to find actual scientific research posted on the National Institutes of Health [ niv.gov ] the subject matter that for now, I am not going to mention. This condition that I am under, then obviously applies to a large collective of persons who are living in the United States of America.  My father passed away in 2013, however, in 2006, when I had the first created an internet domain of substance in view of the mission of a man here and peacebuilding, I asked my father for permission to register [ @gruwup.net ] at this house address when in defeat in Oakland CA -- I had to come back to this house. My personal entire background residency is screwed up seriously.  There was an eviction case and a hate harassment situation that occurred in Oakland and once again in Denver.  The region-to-region experiences of this outside interfering presence in my life are noted in the NIH.GOV research first posted on April 6th, 2020.  As of current, there is actually 3 separate research finding publications on the subject. This family's values are completely twisted. I have had to dial 911 several times over the years on the view of my own knowing the escalating energy under this roof is not right and not peaceful.  The matter can not be resolved.  I am stuck! Once again, now we have to consider and understand how the San Bernardino Police and San Bernardino County Sheriff's office are involved.  I think the best way to make it understood is in a few that might bring resonance to what I am needing- I am needing to be able to hold and keep the mindset of school orientation that my father did give me permission to use this address.  And if that is not what a family takes into view, as a common value, they are outside of peace.  They are doing exactly what I am suggesting. They are gaslighting me.  Mentally abusing me.  Taking no reason to respect me in this house. This house is my mother's --- but in the view of the law -- I am a tenant.  My mother is not a responsible adult. In fact, she at 80 might indeed need to be put into a mental observation situation in a hospital for doing these actions against me and they are documented.  As far as the San Bernardino Police are considered here, the Auditor's office of the State of California recently released a report that had 4 police agencies in view of this audit.  I call the audit in question to a grade of F.


    You will find this quite strange I think. The reason why most likely is something that goes to how I do not feel very safe at all in my very own hometown. [ why?  and what? or who? ]


    Agency Comments

    Each of the departments that submitted written responses to our report generally agreed with our recommendations, with some exceptions. Stockton Police did not clearly state whether it would implement our recommendations but noted that it would analyze our audit and see how it can align its policies and procedures with best practices. San Bernardino Police did not submit a written response to our report; however, we incorporate its perspective on our findings and recommendations throughout the text of the report.


    NO!  NO!   The text above to this point has the following status:

    Tone detector

    How this may sound to readers:


    Again, does that say formal?  I am writing this most formally.  Yes, That is my skill set.  Yes, I am the owner of a school for peace building and also as an adult consent thought and practices school.  A startup project in Denver Colorado.  OMG   [ Bark.com? ]   BARK BARK BARK -- SCREAMING -- NEEDING THE BALANCE TO HAVE MY PRESENCE IN THIS HOUSE RESPECTED! NEVER WILL THEY BE OPEN MINDED TO THIS CORRECTION THAT MUST HAPPEN IN VIEW --- Sirs, Something Very Very Sinister here.  I can't believe my mother is such evil but is the only thing that puts everything into perspective.   She does not have the legal right to mentally abuse me as she has.  She is playing mind fuck games, and I need a person to act as a "HALL MONITOR" to the observance of what she does.  I need to know if she can or can not actually control herself in these competitive elements that somehow she has turned on me.  The details are grim. The details are real. She thinks they are going to believe her over me apparently. I need a hall monitor to the position to gather an evidenced track as I am becoming open and viewing from outside -- the poplar -- in the view of this equation.


    I need some LEVERAGE that she actually follows through to help me save my life.  I am dying, a human no longer breathing dead dying because I cannot have true doctor provider care in my view of life in a trusted opening of doctor/patient-centered communications. I told her I need help because I am not able to do this myself. She has never truly been helped, even though she claims otherwise. I have asked her if she can not help, to get someone else. I am at a loss as to why most recently, as the images reflect -- my bedroom door was kicked in, the interactions with my nephew here, emulating my mother's attempts.  She will not leave me alone when I tell her to go away.  She attempted to actually enter my room in a sequence that indeed two prior times, I have hard slammed the door to purposefully ajar the door so it could not open.  I used the window as my entry.  She is manipulating me and will not confess that she lies and that she is in this shitty way that is not my mother but unmotherly.  [ that is is a word ].

    To the San Bernardino Police and why they have no written response in the audit goes to the heart of the matter I would suppose.  Since I have all of my interactions with everything, including the San Bernardino Police on record in my digital online presence journal space which is indeed added as a "search console" into google..... A written response that was not true, because that would be what they would do, individually me especially, I would be able to give counterpointing records of written records from me -- whomever that would be of course would be in very very very serious trouble. Because of me, bark.com,, more likely than not, to a point 85% more likely true, they matter is extreme -- and it continues into 12 hours ago.  My mother attempted to schedule a phone meeting with my primary care doctor --set for the 6th of June at 2 pm -- and I keep telling her, that these doctors are not trustworthy.  She keeps saying things to me like I am supposed to comply with this bullshit.  I keep telling her, I will not comply with such unprofessionalism.  There is a 2003 NIH.GOV document I quote from - not a single word I have received from any of the Doctors -- even on the PatientPortal of Kareo for Inland Psych.  Something will not break in my mother to be on my side.  She will take this situation all of the ways until I die. I am not making it up. I have the evidence -- I am at a loss to know what exactly to do. She does not listen to me and has no thinking processes to adjust herself to that view -- she thinks somehow to make me the bad guy. I am not the bad guy here. I need a person around me that can be more to a point of role -- the way the world works is not the way this family is.  The world is something way different than the acceptable and allowances being taken to their extremes.  They are playing games they have no business playing with me.  I don't know what to do. I need code enforcement of commons decency and to see if she can handle the control to not do what she does if someone else is actually interfaced into my purposed of mission and school here in this house.  I have $8000 in my account, and I would really consider this an expense and investment into the idealism to break into view -- successfully -- from the sabotage happening in view of family dynamics. Seriously.  You said to meet any budget.  This is the DESCRIPTION IN FULL OF MY REQUEST.  DETAIL. I HOPE THERE IS NO UPPER LIMIT ON TEXT SIZE IN THIS UPDATE.  There are so many situations and presentations here ready of substance to these dynamics to bring a PERSPECTIVE of realism. I have been and continue to reach out as best as I can -- HELP ME PLEASE - I AM DYING!  DYING - DYING!

    I should not be DYING!


    1 Hour 27 Minutes -- #TheLongForm:


    If you take an open this FAX TRANSMISSION LOG Stored Recently of the efforts I have attempted to reach out for help from the various agencies of resource, something wrong here -- very wrong.




    SIT DOWN, AND TAKE THE VIEW -- THIS IS MY HEALTH PLAN GROUP - Prospect Medical -- Presented Here are the Google Reviews On Record -- Seriously - Down - you are not going to believe this -- Most of all of the written versions of the presentation have spoken voice media audio narrative interface.

    Audio In This is 2 Hours - This is Real!  I am presenting this -- because I have made the need to document every aspect of this -- situation - crisis critical.


    and I CAN NOT EVEN GET THIS INTO THE VIEW OF MY FAMILY IN THREE PARTS.  Remember, my father gave me the permission of placing this address of this family house into the view of my work and mission - that is being intentionally subverted by my very own family of these years. My father is spinning in his grave -- I swear!


    These are the titles of each part - Loving Battlefields must be really really made to the need my mother has to take herself out of attacking her son - continuously involved in this house.  It is EXTREME!


    Part 1
    OGG Audio
    38 Minutes

    Part 2
    OGG Audio
    18 Minutes

    URL: [ yes this location is related completely to my mother ]:


    Part 3
    OGG Audio
    120 Minutes
    Sacrament is a Christian Rite


    No matter who you are, you can not separate me and my ability from the informational network I own. I do not accept such a state of dysfunction and disorder - to satisfy hate and abuse --- family or otherwise!
    I just do not know what to do!

    James Martin Driskill
    3260 Grande Vista
    San Bernardino CA 92405

    I need an observer to prove she can actually control herself to not be continuously bonded in a hate agenda against me.  Thank you.






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