What the address to the Salvation Army Meet you in front of salvation army 925 W 10th street Got that? Please confirm Walking down the street I am sending you the papers digitally of clearance. ( Legal binding process - I am told ) This is Marin Driskill I did not give you the paper copy What is that for That's the paperwork for the clearance. Psychiatric clearance Signed by a doctor I thought that would be clear but do you understand what I'm saying? Remember I went there by myself Not exactly but I went out in the street and find a different solution and I found that is a solution. Do you understand what I'm saying. Dinner is being called Whatever this means to this clearance. Whatever that means I'm trying to clarify what this means between you and I And for your information. The Hope House flyer tapped into the countertop of main desk as resource. That is a relative piece of information you want to know I suppose I took a picture of it too. 75 dollars less at $900 is a great offer thank you ( this is not a complaint ) but an observation. That says fully furnished which obviously mine is not I've been told I can ask for a TV and stuff from you. I understand and in construction believe me. I work for a plumbing sub contractor for 12 years. I was there controller if you want to call that financial controller and computer operations. Small company in Oakland. Of course my resume is online but just I could go with the in construction stuff. in process. Much more important to me to have a sense of progressive betterment and a sliding scale digressly collapse. That's hopeful in this case. I believe you what happened. I'm told I have will be able to email the doctor there with my presentation and the supervisor listen to my story and actually took into account at my library history and everything that I said and my school that I said. I showed her the page and I'm giving you the URL. https://www.schoolandcollegelistings.com/US/San-Bernardino/468008909888814/Gruwup-%3A-Great-Reasons-Us-Will-Unite-Peace-%3A-Complete-Worldwide-Peace That is not a phony baloney. On navigator in a Tesla. My Lyft ride one day was upgraded to a Tesla. It was on the navigator screen in the Tesla which was a huge screen. Since the car drives itself the screen can be used as entertainment while you're car is driving. Hello? The label for my school is online real Joseph. I have a business venture orientation of a school. One business owner to another if you want to call it that. I am real Err progressive betterment than a slide scale digression collapse. That's more important to me than any thing else Joseph School remember. http://inthemindway-org.gruwup.net/ Website personal page. Resume: http://inthemindway-org.gruwup.net/resume/jmd_resume.html You'll see library of the septemberdale library and you'll see that I developed this copy computer center on the second floor of the library. What is currently sitting there today is it different computer lab. I was 18 I'm now almost 58. Understand? You are not going to reply. You are going to remain silent. I am unique person In the world. My current email address is: You can Google first middle and last name. Or my email factsdontlie.hatedon.idied@gmail.com --- In images, there is one graphic banner with #HugeFail Supervisor and the Doctor at Windsor Crisis Stabilization Unit ( CSU ) know about my internet domain and it's structure as a trust building ladder in an information theory logistics. When I say, you all are killing me, I already told Maria what has happened. I am blackballed from any kind of functional doctor interface and social services. In international story realism, is more common than the United States. Systematically excise and cut out a person to isolate them into an oblivion with no social service and medical Care connection to help. Across the board. Absolutely no help You all collectively in this society are killing me. That is exactly what is happening until somebody steps up and be honest and start talking about the truth Peace I'm going off the property and going to the store and getting some soda and some things and coming back but apparently I do not have a pillow. There are some cushions in here and I do okay for the night. I would like to have a regular pillow Thank you Perhaps I may have tried this introduction before and maybe it would have changed something or the outcome over there. Or maybe not maybe I'm going to be cut out and cut out and throw it into the street again just like everybody else not able to listen to facts factsdontlie.hatedon.idied@gmail.com From her understanding what I was interesting my story she knew exactly what I was saying. She took what I said and did 180° turn about turn on the dime and I was given the silent chapel silent treatment to an extreme. I wasn't doing anything wrong when I was talking before breakfast about an internet meme in Spanish. I was trying to say it's so easy to translate send it through lens. God damn people when you know somebody has a certain particular way Annoying and thinking and so s*** in their face. Constantly I am radioactive. ☢️ ☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️ That's how I was treated yesterday morning You all are just going to let me die with absolutely no help. Perhaps a change is in store. National Institutes of Health. There are three research finding papers on the subject. I think I caught the true essence 100% attention of the severity of what was going on with me over there in his past cycle. I hope so. I did absolutely nothing wrong when Maria did 180 degrees without face and started silence treatment on me but no good reason. I am done having a life in silence about all this. Somebody out there has to help me 🔚 : Music 🎵🎶🎹☠️🎶🎹 Pink Floyd, Hey you Http://hernandez.music.gruwup.net Starts a long public form YouTube playlist. Http://hernandez.music.gruwup.net ( directory ) http://hernandez.music.gruwup.net/Hey-You Barbra Streisand : Don't Lie To Me http://hernandez.music.gruwup.net/Dont-Lie-To-Me You might find many of this to be mind blowing. 🤯 Seriously a personal information system of a peace builder. How can I express that peace when everyone treats me ☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️ By the way, just for for curiosity sakes, I have to make a choice of whether or not I'm going to get a responsive dialogue from you Joseph. I was told that I was able to be free to speak or whatever about the issues I'm dealing with. My issues are not a personal one. My issue is a civil one civics policy a civics problem. Since this problem is located to be defined in actual resources of the information society. Like the National Institutes of Health, like at my lawquestions.com, a Reddit post that references to San Bernardino Police department, the San Bernardino Sun newspaper, a YouTube video on Santa Cruz news coverage of a particular item, even the California state auditors office in their assessments of the San Bernardino Police department, a Reuters article on policing status in the country, and perhaps even other lawsuits that are related to this condition that I'm talking about, the term is under the variance of a name called stalking. As I am being stalked, verified on the national institutes of health to be a problem that is not just a Not just a Single person effected but a massive collective problem. All of these are true. It causes people to die. Or destroys people's lives. It's a real thing. But I'm afraid to actually reveal the topic because the topic is so taboo. It causes all of this chaos. It causes all of this chaos. All of this chaos erodes our trust. Are social trust. Collectively and cumulatively are social trust degrades to a point where we have mass gun shootings. That is a Washington Post article from October of 2017. Like I said all of this is civil level sharing material that should be able to be shared and talked about among each and every single kind of relationship professional personal or in this case tenant to landlord or landlord two tenants kinds of affairs. That means if I have a question regarding the elements of what I'm saying my person on the other end I'm talking to should have a responsive answer. That is obeying article 19 of the declaration of human Rights. Seems like we have forgotten that somehow. Seems like we also have forgotten article 25 of the declaration of human Rights. That's an article that revolves around actual housing. And in the course to which you're a housing provider you should know the declaration of human Rights which was enacted in 1948 as it involves housing. And medical Care. And so be that true you should respond to any of my messages a responsive responsible response of a responding reply. Or to be productive. To produce a reply. I'm quoting declaration of human Rights enacted in 1948 These messages are showing as delivered. Are they human read yet. They sent and they've been delivered are they human read yet. And if they're read, are they following the rights that I have and that I'm being productive and receiving my rights. This kind of one-way channel is called ghosting. . Not productive whatsoever. Article 19 Everyone has the right to freedom of opinion and expression; this right includes freedom to hold opinions without interference and to seek, receive and impart information and ideas through any media and regardless of frontiers. https://www.un.org/en/about-us/universal-declaration-of-human-rights#:~:text=Article%2019,media%20and%20regardless%20of%20frontiers. That is the law the law that we are under because we are a member of the United Nations That is an international law And also these laws are in our United States Constitution Article 25 Article 25 of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights covers a wide range of rights, including those to adequate food, water, sanitation, clothing, housing and medical care, as well as social protection covering situations beyond one's control, such as disability, widowhood, unemployment and old age.Dec 4, 2018 Article 25 is the right to adequate standard of living. https://www.ohchr.org/en/press-releases/2018/12/universal-declaration-human-rights-70-30-articles-30-articles-article-25#:~:text=Article%2025%20of%20the%20Universal,widowhood%2C%20unemployment%20and%20old%20age. I understand where I'm at. I'm going to pose the question to you Joseph. Come and visit me into my room and tell me this is a standard level of acceptable living environment for a person living with my disease. I'm not trying to cause a problem. I would like your assessment of where we need to involve improvements. Nobody is going to do this for us. Government is going to shit on us, apparently. The worst thing is what I am dealing with in my life causes my death. I can prove that statement. Maria knows I said what I said. My health condition has been extremely severely and irreparable harm done to me. If you want to know the facts or if you want to ignore me and ghost me. Truly you have to obey the right of article 25 of the United Nations enacted in 1948 nothing new. I'm willing to give a kind of a nudge. I'm not willing to accept silence. Silence kills The history of article 25 of the declaration of human Rights This Article is an effort to secure freedom from want, based on U.S. President Franklin Roosevelt’s famous vision of four freedoms. In a speech in 1941, he looked forward to a world founded upon four essential human freedoms: the freedom of speech and expression, the freedom to worship God in his own way, freedom from want and freedom from fear. After Roosevelt’s death and the end of World War II, his widow Eleanor often referred to the four freedoms as head of the committee drafting the UDHR. Give me a fucking break. And if you hook on the letter of the f word, A valid 501(c) non profit, http://fuckcancer.org - one of many valid civil society business enterprises with the word in their license. Not a dba. On the most professionals enter international or domestic site of LinkedIn of course there are actual companies were f u c k spelled out pronounce fuck in them. Go on LinkedIn and look them up I'm not going to be a student. But I'm a teacher. I'm not going to be called down upon when I know I'm right by anyone not even my very own landlord I will go out on the street again if you do not respond to me To die. I would rather die first then it have absolutely zero response of my landlord involved in all of this. Do we have an understanding? Your response to me about grammarly was kind of revealing. You two are just going to ghost this. . Why would you do that to me? This is all civics civil level proper society and community dialogue. That is why I'm so upset with all of you. Collectively in silence you are killing me. I am doing absolutely nothing wrong. That is a graphic of Mark Twain the writer of one of popularly known authors of the 19th century. Perhaps you know him of his work,? Perhaps you have read him when you went to school because most of us have. The word nigger appears in chapter 1. Perhaps the word itself was red inside of your classroom or not. Perhaps the person reading the book in class could not utter the word written in the first chapter. Perhaps when you went to school they have already banned the book from your school. ( I doubt it ). So why can we not talk about something seriously wrong and imperative to get a civil society to bring legal capacity to me and help me live instead of die huh? I really cannot do this by myself. I need community support. I tried that at rise of a fallen angel and of course I had somebody come into the facility and start a fight with me. The doors were lockable they should not have been. He locked himself and me in the room so that nobody else can enter and started a physical fight with me That happened I had an appointment with her. She did not address the matter when the appointment came what appointment she says? I even talked to the Reverend I can't remember his name right this minute but I actually priorly months to a couple years prior to this talk to him in his own church. A brief interface that he knew me from when he knows the piano man in his own church. James the piano Man invited me to his church. I think he remembered me. Even that did not help. I can't remember her name but I have the Facebook exchange. I can pull it up for you very easily This is Facebook download data archive, http://facebook-inthemindway.realityaudit.website/messages/inbox/riseofafallenangel_zryxtxf3sg/message_1.html If you need clearance to know this is safe content, open the door to blow your mind, ( For this I'm the bad guy and I die ) http://facebook-inthemindway.realityaudit.website There is an email from Google embedded on the page. The subject subject header is: ( Not kidding) Review successful for http://facebook-inthemindway.realityaudit.website/ To: Webmaster of http://facebook-inthemindway.realityaudit.website Google has received and processed your security review request. Google systems indicate that http://facebook-inthemindway.realityaudit.website/ no longer contains links to harmful sites or downloads. The warnings visible to users are being removed from your site. This may take a few hours to happen. As serious as a heart attack, I am going to be psychologically harassed ( a crime ) to the end of all ends, never being able to terminate it, this has destroyed my life and my family. Irreparable harm has been done to be to not be able to access healthcare. On an international storyline of occurrence this is more common than in the United States but not impossible to understand The doctor and the supervisor over there at Windsor crisis stability unit listen to me. It's time for a community to acknowledge itself onto this problem and help me along with a bunch of other people that are behind me waiting for somebody to step forward out of the darkness and into the light. I am now not going to be welcome here on the property you will no longer take my rent and so what are you going to do throw me out? Onto the streets, to go die Literally I die. That is what I screaming and yelling about Ezekiel 9 from the Bible I'm sure you know the story https://www.biblegateway.com/passage/?search=Ezekiel%209&version=NIV Judgment of the idolaters assage Resources Hebrew/Greek Your Content Ezekiel 9 New International Version Judgment on the Idolaters 9 Then I heard him call out in a loud voice, “Bring near those who are appointed to execute judgment on the city, each with a weapon in his hand.” 2 And I saw six men coming from the direction of the upper gate, which faces north, each with a deadly weapon in his hand. With them was a man clothed in linen who had a writing kit at his side. They came in and stood beside the bronze altar. 3 Now the glory of the God of Israel went up from above the cherubim, where it had been, and moved to the threshold of the temple. Then the Lord called to the man clothed in linen who had the writing kit at his side. ( no . ) and said to him, “Go throughout the city of Jerusalem and put a mark on the foreheads of those who grieve and lament over all the detestable things that are done in it.” 5 As I listened, he said to the others, “Follow him through the city and kill, without showing pity or compassion. 6 Slaughter the old men, the young men and women, the mothers and children, but do not touch anyone who has the mark. Begin at my sanctuary.” So they began with the old men who were in front of the temple. ( has ever any one of your tenants ever quoted you a Bible passage ever? ) 7 Then he said to them, “Defile the temple and fill the courts with the slain. Go!” So they went out and began killing throughout the city. That's because they're too afraid to talk to you about serious matters and they're suffering. 8 While they were killing and I was left alone, I fell facedown, crying out, “Alas, Sovereign Lord! Are you going to destroy the entire remnant of Israel in this outpouring of your wrath on Jerusalem?” 9 He answered me, “The sin of the people of Israel and Judah is exceedingly great; the land is full of bloodshed and the city is full of injustice. They say, ‘The Lord has forsaken the land; the Lord does not see.’ 10 So I will not look on them with pity or spare them, but I will bring down on their own heads what they have done.” 11 Then the man in linen with the writing kit at his side brought back word, saying, “I have done as you commanded.” So you going to get rid of me after I close the Bible huh? Maria, I such as I have a loud voice, I view of all of this. I will continue to know. She did wrong she ought to apologize to me for waving a big stick at me for coming and getting my God damn charger You fools I have real stalkers chasing me on the street. Real people following me before I was here in your face to face properties. Go figure why? You eventually will all just turn on me and hate on me to just like everybody else and I become radioactive. ☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️☢️ You don't mind if I cry 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 in my room do you? Grammarly gave me that score when I basically built this volume of information on my web personal information system which is web indexed. I have the right to this you can't take it away from me and you can't really run away from it reality. http://realityaudit.life/ http://realityaudit.life/Medical-Mental-Health-LawMatters-StandardsOfCare/ I'm not like any other person that you have ever met I guarantee you. Should I choose the streets over you because you're just going to turn 180° on me and do the same exact thing This is a graphic called a trust ladder. It's not my graphic and I have no affiliation with the site but it does say productivity. Why am I not producing a productivity of reception? Why are you inducing silence upon me? That silence kills me I do Maybe even to know how to stop mass gun shootings The truth hurts but silence kills And you all do not listen to me.. I am radioactive ☢️ I'm done for the evening I expect a response like community involvement like a person who cares for the affairs. Like carers for the affairs of article 25 of the declaration of human Rights Mr Hernandez. Ok? If you truly want the analysis of this. As I am using the metaphor 180° against me. It may be a passive action but it was real. Maria actually flipped out on me when her behavior about my ability to just have a statement and a dialogue with another resident about the meme and Spanish and translation could not proceed. No I'm not going to accept that I did anything wrong. I was talking to another resident the resident can complain nobody else complained. Only Maria. Sure if other people started complaining and then Maria came involved she could have had some weight to stand on to justify her attitude. That didn't happen because I didn't do anything wrong I wasn't loud I wasn't disrespectful I was showing something something. The person I was showing had the involvement of the dryer in my area. She knocked on my door and not in the morning of course and she could not know how to operate the dryer. So I show her how to operate the dryer and I never used the dryer before. So when I told her it was basically how to troubleshoot something she was very frazzled but the dryer wasn't running. I explained it to her the process of troubleshooting and she was relieved. That is the person I was speaking to about the internet meme. So what did I do try to have a conversation with a person that I was talking to from the dryer in the morning and got reprimanded for talking anything I'm not able to talk about anything it offended Maria that I was able to talk anything to another resident That is exactly what happened Maria had absolutely no right to interfere with my resident to resident communication. It was not too early for this. Because she's overhearing my voice and her irritants of my voice talking to another resident about something that is perhaps educational having somebody learn something from me. Wow people wow don't you know we have a new human right? https://hrlr.law.columbia.edu/hrlr/introducing-a-new-human-right-learning-from-others-bringing-legal-capacity-home/ Sorry but that's true. That's an inconvenient Truth on all of this that's your fault not mine. I am an adult consent talking practice school after all. I don't give Maria the consent to override my resident to resident communication chat... Involving in Spanish meme and translation to English on Facebook. Fuck that! What happened it's not right and she should apologize and perhaps you should apologize for taking her side no matter what. Cuz there is something about laws here being broken. Just generally speaking something unforgivable will happen when I die because I overall can't get through to you all start a conversation. On YouTube, this video exists. You way underestimate me and you are way under prepared to actually have some kind of position that does not have a proper balance of reality in all of reality not piece meal reality but a full comprehensive scope of what and who I am. Ridiculous! This is in the youtube playlist, queued from my site The URL has your name of watches that you follow the link. Http://Joseph-Hernandez.music.gruwup.net/Dont-Lie-To-Me/ If you don't trust my site yet well that's possible. Trust the YouTube Direct Link. Former Director of the San Bernardino County Department of Behavioral Health, a covid-19 update video. I took the video every encoded it with QR codes across all of it. The message is plain to see. If you know those videos that are posted by public officials are the property of the public. Therefore we as the public have the right to use them in any way possible as necessary. You can't defame of course. You're not supposed to we call it no graffiti or the face her image. If she has any complaints there is no defacing any image in this.. Open the video and then consider the entire playlist please.. https://youtu.be/fNpEneYu9Po?list=PLYDjiZF2mZU5mxv2P5xUrg1Pm1BJBdyoQ Description VERY LEGAL AND OUT OF THE BOX METHOD - dbh.sbcounty.gov - Dr. Veronica Kelley Director James Driskill As strange as it is leaking to this evening right now number of plays and then likes. The numerology of the result of the line is 1 111 or 1111 and 2020 Oct 1st. 1111 22 ( no kidding) God send is that message Google : what is the meaning of the number 1 The number 1 is all about beginnings, newness, and change. It encourages you to be assertive and take the initiative in your life.Apr 4, 2022 What is the meaning of 111? Note Source Seeing the angel number 111 signifies confidence within yourself and motivates your own strength and decision-making when opportunities are sent your way.Dec 5, 2022  USA Today What does 111 angel number mean? How to ... - USA Today Note source is women's Day magazine. What is the meaning of 1111? “[The number] 1111 is a confirmation for reassurance that the soul is journeying on the right path.”Feb 7, 2023  Woman's Day 1111 'Angel Number' Meaning and Symbolism - Woman's Day What is the meaning of the number 22? Note source practical psychology When it comes to spiritual meaning, angel number 22 signifies balance and harmony and the ability to follow your true destiny.Oct 11, 2022  Practical Psychology Angel Number 22 Meaning - Practical Psychology Hello Joseph hello? Blow your mind hello? So 2020 Oct 1st : 2020 10 1 : 22 11 So we have also 11 https://tinyrituals.co/blogs/tiny-rituals/angel-number-11-meaning#:~:text=Seeing%20the%20number%2011%20can,to%20reach%20your%20deepest%20desires. Angel Number 11: Meaning And Significance In Life, Love I recommend reading the whole page. The meaning of angel number 11 is linked to karma and is all about learning to trust your intuition. It is also a number that invites us to share our skills with others while staying true and honoring our own needs in all aspects of life. ( honoring my own needs? ) I need a community to step up and be accounted for the person who is dying that's writing this dying of a condition I should not be dying from inadequate access to healthcare and I'm dying I am literally dying of a disease I should not be dying from. Everything about this is wrong for you all to just remain the silence don't you think? Can I plan this this night to have that video show that particular equation right as I'm needing to pull the URL out of it to copy it to this dialogue? You think I can plan that? That is God's work here Mr Hernandez Have a good evening. Will you commit to really helping me for a change from others out here who just thinking somebody else will help me somebody else will get me somebody else will capture me somebody else will help me? Nobody else has truly helped me. Even my very own mother threatened to kill me. Seriously threatened to kill me. She tells me that her relationship to God was none of my business. That double down on the threat and they kicked in my door you know the violence already happened I kicked in my bedroom too door I had to leave the house finally. Something not working in the spiritual minds of everyone I talk to that will not receive the spiritual minded person of a peace builder. On Dr Veronica's NPI record there is actual comments from me on that site open it up a public related social information page related to our medical industry and the HIPAA information tracking. That is a community social sharing ability that the community is not allowing me to share. What is wrong with you all people? https://npino.com/social-worker/1902211774-ms.-veronica-lynn-kelley/ There are comments on that page. Unprocessed. Not received. Not producing results not productive Why? My anger at all of you is justified to just leave me hanging doing nothing but dying instead of thriving. Of course collective when you say all of you you can't say all like 100% of you of course but all of you have done this to me. That's what I mean All of you have done this to me nobody will step forward to help me What breaks this? A conspiracy? Hello? Those questions deserve an answer. Thank you - my anger is justified here will it come to consolment. For my work is God send upon all of this. Don't you know when to see the signs of God at your doorstep? Thank you for responding as quickly as possible. I know this is bulk text. There's no more time