Subject Fwd: Re: Jumio Id Verification for Appeal [Case: 190816-005340]
From <>
To <>
Date 2019-08-19 00:02

-------- Original Message --------

Subject: Re: Jumio Id Verification for Appeal [Case: 190816-005340]
Date: 2019-08-18 13:15
To: LinkedIn Customer Support <>
Cc: SRFax Suport <>, Adrian Roselli <>

You all guys have a knack for not providing direct answers to direct questions.

Are you implying that the video that I speak of here, which looks like it is sponsored by LinkedIn does not adhere to your user agreement?  In that, the presentation tips that are offered in that video adaptively put a conflict of interest [ obvious ] to what you are saying to me and what this video is saying to the audience.

The only difference being that I am using external links [ web of connectivity ] to content offsite.  If I were to bring the full content on site, then there is a conflict that begins to show itself with an article that appears regarding original content placed on Linkedin is not advised.

Stop Throwing Away Your Content

July 20, 2016; 

Platforms to Avoid Now

I can name three platforms that you should probably just stop using (in favor of self-hosting). At some point they (or their posting feature) will probably go away and take your content with them.


Forgetting the incredibly confounding commenting model (as well as malformed infinite scroll and URL hijacking), LinkedIn explicitly blocks the Internet Archive crawler (here is an example).

LinkedIn does not need to go out of business (assuming its acquisition fails), all it needs to do is dump its Pulse feature or change the URLs to all of your content. Then all links pointing back to your content will break and users (including you) will be unable to use the Wayback Machine to find it.

If your content matters to you, I implore you to either stop publishing on LinkedIn immediately, or also make it available at a domain you control and promote that URL instead.

Update: August 15, 2016

With no clarity from LinkedIn on what it considers to be a bad bot (or scraper) in this lawsuit, it seems unlikely LinkedIn will allow the Internet Archive into anything in the /pulse URL path. Please just stop posting your original content to LinkedIn.

A LinkedIn representative declined to comment on how the company differentiates between good and bad scraping, referring TechCrunch to the complaint, which does not discuss how the company makes that determination.

LinkedIn sues anonymous data scrapers

Obviously, I am well informed of a variety of views. 

It would be nice to hold a conversation to how these views apply to LinkedIn with a customer support system that actually supports views instead of being belligerent and which only pronounces agreement to its user agreement or else termination of an account.  --- When that or else is part of the problem that is actually here -- blocking and ignoring a condition in our society that collectively it is a collective job [ as a part of our career based tasks ] to find #CorporateSocialResponsibility into solving these challenges.     extension: [ ]

What does RealUpHuman Represent?

Served Image:

#Kramobone: One Bad Makes All Look Bad or the Bad Makes It Difficult For The Good To Get Noticed. A Warning Symbol Against Deception and Hypocrisy.   A Solomon's Knot 



Since the knot has been used across a number of cultures and historical eras, it can be given a range of symbolic interpretations.

Because there is no visible beginning or ending, it may represent immortality and eternity—as does the more complicated Buddhist Endless Knot.

Because the knot seems to be two entwined figures, it is sometimes interpreted as a Lover's Knot, although that name may indicate another knot.

Because of religious connections, the knot is sometimes designated the all-faith symbol of faith, but, at the same time, it appears in many places as a valued secular symbol of prestige, importance, beauty.

Solomon's Knot appears on tombstones and mausoleums in Jewish graveyards and catacombs in many nations. In this context, Solomon's Knot is currently interpreted to symbolize eternity.

Some seek to connect it with Solomon by translating the Hebrew word peka'im (פקעים) found in the Bible at I Kings 6:18 and I Kings 7:24 as meaning "knobs" or "knots", and interpreting it to refer to Solomon's knot; however, the more accepted modern translation of this word is "gourd-shaped ornaments".

In Africa, Solomon's knot is found on glass beadwork, textiles, and carvings of the Yoruba people. When the knot appears in this culture, it often denotes royal status; thus, it is featured on crowns, tunics, and other ceremonial objects. Also in Africa, the Knot is found on Kasai velvet, the raffia woven cloth of the Kuba people. They attribute mystical meaning to it, as do the Akan people of West Africa who stamp it on their sacred Adinkra cloth. In the Adinkra symbol system, a version of Solomon's knot is the Kramo-bone symbol, interpreted as meaning "one being bad makes all appear to be bad".

In Latvia, when Solomon's knot is used on textiles and metal work, it is associated with time, motion, and the powers of ancient pagan gods.

In modern science, some versions of the conventionalized sign for an atom (electrons orbiting a nucleus) are variations of Solomon's knot. The logo of the Joomla software program is a Solomon's knot.

Back to your container folder: 

Highlights of our history here, perhaps this entire content should be reindexed into assignment.  That might happen when you terminate my account for an unfair reason of rules and conversation that is vague instead of specific or if I decide to close my account because of irreconcilable differences between the ideals that I represent to the world of peace and a bad acting net actor on the internet on behalf of Linkedin. 

Here is what is at @Realuphuman in the rule of honesty.

Index of / [  ]

IconName                                                                                                  Last modified      Size  Description

[DIR]#CorporateSocialResponsibility/                                                                       2019-06-08 01:48    -   
[DIR]All TECH GIANTS --- SEE MAIN CONTENT --[ ]/                     2019-03-22 16:09    -   
[DIR]Be-Compassionate_By_Jeff-Weiner/                                                                      2019-07-07 09:07    -   
[DIR]Circle Of Doctors - 9 Scourges 12 Steps/                                                              2019-07-05 15:32    -   
[DIR]Company/                                                                                              2018-07-05 03:25    -   
[DIR]Faxes/                                                                                                2019-08-17 16:55    -   
[DIR]Forums/                                                                                               2019-06-17 09:43    -   
[DIR]Gmail - Jumio Id Verification for Appeal [Case  190816-005340]_files/                                 2019-08-17 19:52    -   
[DIR]InMail/                                                                                               2019-05-31 19:04    -   
[DIR]User2User-DirectMessaging/                                                                            2019-04-20 04:21    -   
[DIR][Case-180511-000511]/                                                                                 2018-06-30 00:38    -   
[DIR][Case-180511-002128]/                                                                                 2018-07-05 03:23    -   
[DIR][Case-180601-001564]/                                                                                 2018-06-05 02:43    -   
[DIR][Case-180603-002250]/                                                                                 2018-07-05 03:24    -   
[DIR][Case-180618-009972]/                                                                                 2018-07-05 03:25    -   
[DIR][Case-190619-044942]/                                                                                 2019-06-23 02:05    -   
[DIR]messaging-thread-6355323601637511168/                                                                 2018-07-05 03:25    -   
[DIR]poar-798653949747200/                                                                                 2018-08-05 06:29    -   
[DIR]post-6385381472831971328/                                                                             2018-03-30 10:03    -   
[DIR]post-6431871476692975616/                                                                             2018-09-21 21:51    -   
[DIR]post-6434436306729787392/                                                                             2018-08-12 20:09    -   
[DIR]post-6447465341873324032/                                                                             2018-09-21 22:55    -   
[   ]1479932728445-v0ch3x.mp4                                                                              2018-05-14 14:45  4.2M  
[IMG]Dear-LinkedIn-Important-Message.png                                                                   2019-03-23 05:22  100K  
[TXT]Gmail - Jumio Id Verification for Appeal [Case  190816-005340].htm                                    2019-08-17 19:50   41K  
[   ]InformationFlooding-ContestingMediaPower.ogg                                                          2019-04-03 03:24  9.8M  
[IMG]InformationFlooding-ContestingMediaPower.png                                                          2019-04-03 03:28  211K  
[   ]Issues-CommunityConcerns2.ogg                                                                         2018-03-22 22:58  5.7M  
[IMG]QR-BFD=Big-Fucking-Deal - 2-YouTube-Videos-To-Consider-about-Athenticity-Excellence-and-Standards.jpg 2018-05-20 02:54  124K  
[IMG]Standards-Fuck-In-Company-Names.png                                                                   2018-10-24 14:15  215K  
[IMG]ThankYou-StuckAt!00-NowAt260.png                                                                      2019-05-20 22:38   36K  
[IMG]TrustBinding-LinkedIn.png                                                                             2018-06-02 17:21  1.9M  
[   ]article-ConspiracyExposedByGlassdoorReviews-RyanWhiteSocialServiceAgencies.ogg                        2018-12-27 03:59  4.4M  
[TXT]google4681fc08c5a24e0b.html                                                                           2018-06-25 04:12   53   
[IMG]server-reset-audioplaying.jpg                                                                         2018-03-23 20:29  126K  
[IMG]server-reset.jpg                                                                                      2018-03-23 20:26  150K

Nothing is being lost by your refusal to answer direct questions and get involved in the direct focus of these needs. 

Stop Deflecting...

So far you have not commented on any of the ideas that I bring forward into this conversation, as though they have no bearing on what your user agreement should state.

I challenge the notion that you are just some monotoned trained robot here with a single view to be an interface of policing policy. 

In order for me to be clear, and for me to be extra careful in the future, it would be nice for you to clarify the position of one or other rather, that the tips example cited video is the view on open free tagging [ which your site features allow by default ] as you must have the intelligence to not be a trained monotoned robot and pronouncing policing rule of policy and under that role, you actually have taken the time to watch the video.

Use of your Logo is profoundly presented in this video.  This video was produced two weeks ago and the suggestions here are not applied to me?  Something is wrong and needs to be clarified. 

Shay ☀️ Rowbottom 
• 2nd 
I turn founders & executives into LinkedIn video creators ���� | PM me to learn more! ⤵️ | & FOLLOW ME for more content! 

*TAGGING ON LINKEDIN!* @ @ @ ���� or ���� ? I talk a lot about PODS and their benefit when starting out... but there's quite the ~*CoNtRoVeRsY*~ over their merit & authenticity. Some call it "cheating", some simply just can't commit to being on one... I GET IT! (well, not the cheating belief, 
but not having time!) but ☝ - There is another strategy that works well for getting more reach on your videos, and it MIGHT be a better fit for you! BULK TAGGING! ���� What is bulk tagging? This: Joe / Sam / Derek / Shaneé / Kirsty / Ben / Chip / Matt / Troy ...and as many more as you're able to squeeze in! When I have a niche topic I'm covering on LinkedIn , this is my strategy: ✅ Identify the topic ✅ Filter a search for people in that industry ✅ Tag said people in the comments, asking for
their opinion! BOOM! ���� Easy engagement. Not only THAT!- People THANK ME for tagging them in posts! ���� It's another way for THEIR brand & profile to show up on this platform as well, and who doesn't want that!? Visibility for all ������������ What do YOU think? To tag, or not to tag? ���� Let us know down below! Oh & also, don't forget to tag LinkedIn king pin ���� Oleg Vishnepolsky !! Maybe we can get him to comment on this post ���� We 
❤️️ you hashtag # Oleg ! Thanks ya'll. ���� hashtag # Shayshine ☀️ hashtag # Tagging 

That the platform of Linkedin is being used to build a network of #CorporateSocialResponsibility, 

I may need to record a video ---- and apply the statements necessary in critical form against LinkedIn for their [ a pronoun to exclude you individually ] of the insane contradictory and vague interface on Customer Services that is obviously broken of intelligence.


Shall we acquire that intelligence and stop acting like a trained monotone robot and provide the answers that are requested here? 

I have to extract that answer below of the citation of my violation reference after repeating my requests for it.  

This intentional vagueness I take offensively as I am intentionally being targeted into a path of confusion that you will use to justify your next claim of violation on your platform. 

This is not right and you know it.  Get a Clue I said!

I am being most respectful here even though the conversation here is offensive to be subject to this kind of dismissal.

Thank you. 

On 2019-08-18 10:46, LinkedIn Customer Support wrote:


View this case on our Help Center

Subject: Jumio Id Verification for Appeal [190816-005340]

Response (08/18/2019 12:46 CST)
Hi James,

Thank you for following up on this.

In regards to the other content you provided on LinkedIn, we ask that all members (and anyone posting) on LinkedIn adhere to our User Agreement and Professional Community Policies. Any content that is found in violation will be addressed accordingly.

Having already provided information on the recent restriction on your account, we appreciate your cooperation in adhering to the User Agreement going forward.


LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
Member (08/18/2019 11:54 CST)


Master CEO Jeff Weiner - Da Boss

1 (650) 810-2897

Casey Hallinan, Public Inquiry Unit, California Department of Justice
1 (916) 323-5341

and because they asked me about their faxing service recently,

---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: SRFax Support
Date: Sat, Aug 17, 2019 at 3:00 AM
Subject: How are we doing?
Are you guys on
LinkedIn? Can you find yourself to support my efforts there?

[ ] to [ ] pending the outcome of this argument.

On 2019-08-18 09:30, wrote:

I feel like I am being individually discriminated against. Why?

What you are telling me here --- what I did as an offense that if I continued to do -- would
be to then have the outcome [ your goal ] to terminate my account...

Can you explain to me this video below? Are you telling me this video does not exist? You are telling me that the advice in this video is wrong?

Are you telling me that this video should be pulled? What exactly are you telling me when you apply this video that I did wrong?

If "Mass Gun Shootings" is a topic that should apply to the "United Nations" posting

United Nations

"Together, we can put out the wildfire of hate and uphold the values that bind us together as a single human family" -- United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres. Get details on the UN plan of action on hate speech here:

that we as a collective "Fighting hate must be a job
for everyone"

Then exactly who is not applicable to being tagged? [ ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS ]

Finally, if it is I that have some solutions to bring forward about how to stop mass gun shootings,

why shoot the messenger of this ---- terminate his account --- instead of listening to me?



You guys are absolutely
individually targeting me to try to get me off your social platform ---
because I give logics to what must be applied to our society --- this society needs some social medicine
to stop these mass guns shootings in the United States of America. DON'T MAKE ME FILE A LAWSUIT AFTER THE FACT --- Get On Board with the

I am going to place the fax to your CEO online in this folder location: as well attach that FAX to the post from the United Nations.
This video sure looks like it is SPONSORED BY LINKED if you ask ME.......

Shay ☀️ Rowbottom

Status is online

Shay ☀️ Rowbottom
• 2nd
I turn founders & executives into LinkedIn video creators ���� | PM me to learn more! ⤵️ | & FOLLOW ME for more content!


*TAGGING ON LINKEDIN!* @ @ @ ���� or ���� ? I talk a lot about PODS and their benefit when starting out... but there's quite the ~*CoNtRoVeRsY*~ over their merit & authenticity. Some call it "cheating", some simply just can't commit to being on one... I GET IT! (well, not the cheating belief,
but not having time!) but ☝ - There is another strategy that works well for getting more reach on your videos, and it MIGHT be a better fit for you! BULK TAGGING! ���� What is bulk tagging? This: Joe / Sam / Derek / Shaneé / Kirsty / Ben / Chip / Matt / Troy ...and as many more as you're able to squeeze in! When I have a niche topic I'm covering on LinkedIn , this is my strategy: ✅ Identify the topic ✅ Filter a search for people in that industry ✅ Tag said people in the comments, asking for
their opinion! BOOM! ���� Easy engagement. Not only THAT!- People THANK ME for tagging them in posts! ���� It's another way for THEIR brand & profile to show up on this platform as well, and who doesn't want that!? Visibility for all ������������ What do YOU think? To tag, or not to tag? ���� Let us know down below! Oh & also, don't forget to tag LinkedIn king pin ���� Oleg Vishnepolsky !! Maybe we can get him to comment on this post ���� We
❤️️ you hashtag # Oleg ! Thanks ya'll. ���� hashtag # Shayshine ☀️ hashtag # Tagging

On 2019-08-18 06:06, LinkedIn Customer Support wrote:

View this case on our Help Center
Subject: Jumio Id Verification for Appeal [ 190816-005340 ]
Response (08/18/2019 08:06 CST)
Hi James,

In a recent post, there were multiple taggings of various companies/agencies in relation to a weblink pasted article "how to stop
mass gun shootings". Tagging multiple agencies/companies in posts like this (to a web link related article) can be perceived as spam like/unwelcomed activity from these companies.

Going forward, we ask you take this into consideration when posting content on LinkedIn.


LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
Member (08/17/2019 14:58 CST)

Thank You Wyatt for restoring my account.

I still do not see where you have answered my specifics here and
provided me the exact
content that violated your rules as SPAM.

Perhaps you are not understanding what presence I am working here. I am
working here as a peacebuilder. In community affairs,

not "direct employee/employer" specific workplace contents; but could

I understand "professionals interest and activities".

Let's understand the activities that I am bringing awareness of.

It is NOT SPAM as there can be no SPAM when there are no commercial
applications to my postings for monetary transactions of
any kind.

Let's go it in a different route,

A LinkedIn Article Posted by the United Nations says it plain.
United Nations


"Together, we can put out the wildfire of hate and uphold the values
that bind us together as a single human family" -- United Nations
Secretary-General António Guterres. Get details on the UN plan of action
hate speech here:
No alternative text description for this image

* 5,444


What content are you referring to that has been deemed spam or

Let's get something straight here even though I am not straight but gay.
[ a joke :) ]

If there are involvements online --- which there is -- of systemic hate
that is not being addressed within a community,

and that the United Nations itself says that FIGHTING HATE MUST BE A JOB
FOR EVERYONE. And when those everyones

are in the line of this fight complain against the fighting style
of a peacebuilding networking platform [ with no monetary

linking incentives at all ], that such a fight is carried forward by
"informational theory" to be "named" or "called out" for their

roles of enabling or perhaps direct perpetrating hatred into the
community, I am not violating rules of LinkedIn if Linkedin

is violating the rules of the suggestions of the United Nations. There
can be no middle ground here to
understand my actions.


please provide those examples please. if you are unwilling or unable or
it is not capable of providing such real-world content

violations, then your justifications to restrict my account has no basis
to have been done twice now and for the 3rd time

WARNING again there should be no basis for such a claim of content
violation when I am following certain moral

#WordsToLiveBy upon our world, that it too is the basis to express
outward these #WordsToLiveBy for our society to follow.

Again Wyatt,

I ask very nicely to provide the content that you deem spam or

When you have been given #WordsToLiveBy by the United Nations.

Here are #WordsToLiveBy spoken by Pope Francis to the address of the
United States in front of Congress Sept 2015:

Image Source: : Great Reasons Us Will
Unite Peace

Unsolicited You Say? I Say Pope Francis Calls Us In These Words ---

that puts us into a division of two camps, the righteous and the

In that a confront action perhaps would be UNSOLICITED --- because it is
calling out the needed attention to the actions that

need to be corrected and amended. So that is what I am doing. But
someone out there does not like it, because I am calling

them out of their wrongdoing. When the
social media platform is being a
"bad net actor" out here on the Internet that does not

make these corrections into our interconnections, we are left powerless
to the whims of hate to flag, block, bitch, moan, and complain

when they are being called out and are being shown to be exposed to
their wrong actions. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING


Acting as to the role of the historian in the role of these applied
#WordsToLiveBy circa 1750s.

It says: "Therefore He Who Would Rescue From Fast Gathering Oblivion The
Deeds Of A Community" [ Your Support Ticketing Here ]

continuing, "and send them onto futurity in an imperishable record" [ we
can determine that content on LinkedIn is perishable ],

continuing, "shall deliver a plain unvarnished tale." --- and that my
dearest friends of peace are what can be established by misaligned

social media networking structures of technology. [ See: [17]].
Because someone in the LinkedIn
clan of

support staff does not see the points of brining these #WordsToLiveBy
into actionable address, is not my fault.

Wyatt, for the last time in this text, I ask you to provide the exact
content that was deemed to be a violation of your terms and rules.

If you cannot provide such a real-world citation of content back to me,
this is not violation #2 --- redact yourself to withdraw your

warning of another offense will subject me to termination of my

This email will be faxed to:

Master CEO Jeff Weiner - Da Boss
1 (650) 810-2897

Please notice that the #WordsToLiveBy circa 1750s appears in the
publication of this Psychology Book under

the section titled: "Social Improvement" --- and is why I am doing the
actions online that I do.... to change

the social dynamics that are out here in the erosion of trust [ that
LinkedIn actually attributes causes

erosions ] that leads to murder and mass shootings [ Washington
Post :
Oct 2017 ]

Perhaps you should look at yourself in a mirror and see what are the
corporate values of #CorporateSocialResponsibility in the calling for

[ This has quite a log of established contention between us --- perhaps
you might want to set yourself into motion
to see a fault happening on
your side of considerations please ]

#CorporateSocialResponsibility/ [7]
2019-06-08 01:48


Name [8] Last
modified [9] Size [10] Description [11]


Parent Directory [12]
# [ Urgent Address 911 - To - BarackObama.FuckedUpHuman.Net ]/ [13]
2019-06-06 14:56 -
#HumaneTech - Applied-Upward-Trust/ [14]
2019-06-08 01:48 -
#WordsToLiveBy [ YouTube TopMost Match ]/ [15]

2019-06-08 04:15 -
You-Have-Allowed-Hate-To-Win/ [16]
2019-06-08 01:49 -

Can you provide me a follow up that you have respected this support
ticketing of your paid customer and that you have truly

in real terms followed up with the details into motion --- and when that
has been done --- say WE ARE IN WITH PEACEBUILDING

P L E A S E ---- T H A N K Y O U V E R Y M U C H

James Martin Driskill [18]

Please read every word of this
message, respond to every question asked,
consider every point of view offered and offer your

opinions on how it would be best served to follow the words to live by
expressed in this on your platform.

> View this case [1] on our Help Center
> Subject: Jumio Id Verification for Appeal
> Response (08/17/2019 13:51 CST)
> Hi James,
> Thanks for complying and adhering with our policies. I've gone ahead and removed the restriction on your account. However, please be advised that this is your final warning regarding abuses on the LinkedIn site. If your account is reported again after today's date, your LinkedIn account will be subject to termination.
> In regards to posted content, the feeds of your connections are personalized for them based on people they
follow, their connections, and their engagement on LinkedIn. The more engaging and relevant your post is, the more likely it is to appear in their feeds.
> We work to keep the platform focused on discussions relating to professional interests and activities. Content that doesn't appear to relate to these topics may not reach a wide audience. Lastly, any content that doesn't comply with LinkedIn's User Agreement and Professional Community Policies may be subject to removal.
> Thanks for your
> Regards,
> Wyatt
> LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
> Member (08/17/2019 13:40 CST)
> Yes, I agree to your terms. I have tried my best to be within these terms.
> Spam? That is what you are going to default yourself to?
> Can you tell me exactly what post or content is considered this spam violation for my own knowledge so I will be
> extremely informed and extremely more careful to not do this again.
> Ah, but why are all of my online posting
articles also cascading down this chain of restrictions?
> Why would my posts form years back 2017 be considered spam?
> It is not. How
> about my latest entry #9Scourges12Steps -- The 9 Scourges of Inequality and the 12 steps of Social Improvement to Rebuild Trust In Our Communities.
> Why are my articles missing online? I only had 15 so it really is not a huge loss in the aftermath of this intractable conflict of a wicked problem that I seek to correct in our society.
> These just two article references that I noticed are deleted.
> Page not found
> Uh oh, we can't seem to find the page you're looking for. Try going back to the previous page or see our Help Center for more information
> You have already made up your mind --- and are just dotting
your is and crossing your ts in process. You have no intention to restore my account.
> If you do, please restore ALL
> OF MY ARTICLE DATA in the process, please.
> I have already issued my complaint processing request to the California Department Of Justice for your actions --- like I said ---
> please pretty pretty please respond with exactly what content is flagged so that I can be
> Thank you,
> James Martin Driskill
> Sender notified by
> Mailtrack 08/17/19, 11:26:30 AM
> View this case on our Help Center
> Subject: Jumio Id Verification for Appeal [ 190816-005340 ]
> Response (08/17/2019 09:36 CST)
> Hi James,
> I'm sorry it's taken this long to get back to you and thanks for being so patient.
> Your posted content was flagged as being unsolicited and/or spam in nature, which we've determined is in violation of our
Professional Community Policies and User Agreement: .
> Under the "DO's and DON'Ts" section of the LinkedIn User Agreement and our Professional Community Policies, you agree not to:
> * Harass, abuse, or harm another person.
> * Send spam or other unwelcomed communications to others.
> For more information on this, please refer to our LinkedIn Professional Community Policies
> We've restricted your account pending your response that
you'll adhere to
> the LinkedIn User Agreement and Professional Community Policies going forward. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
> Regards,
> Wyatt
> LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
> Response (08/17/2019 03:52 CST)
> Hi James,
> I'm sorry for not having a quick answer about ___INSERT_SPECIFIC_ISSUE___. I've forwarded your message to another group for additional review and advice. We'll be in contact with you as quickly as possible but your issue may require
additional research which may extend
> your wait time.
> You can always check the status of your ticket by clicking Me at the top right of your LinkedIn homepage and then selecting Help Center. From there, click your profile picture and select View your cases to see the status of any tickets you've submitted.
> Thanks for your patience.
> Regards,
> Melissa
> LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
> Auto-Response (08/16/2019 11:12 CST)
> Thanks for contacting us.
Someone from our support team will get back to you as soon as
> possible.
> Regards,
> Your LinkedIn Customer Experience Team
> *** This message is automatically generated by our system to show we've received your case. In order to answer your question or troubleshoot a problem, a LinkedIn representative may need to access your account, including, as needed, your messages and settings. ***
> Member (08/16/2019 11:12 CST)
> SubmissionId:
> (c) 2018 LinkedIn Corporation, 1000 West Maude Avenue,
> Sunnyvale, CA 94085.
> LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn.
> Privacy Policy | User Agreement | Copyright Policy
> Sender notified by
> Mailtrack 08/17/19, 11:38:12 AM
> ==================== image File Attachment ====================
> d8974688.gif, 42 bytes, added to ticket
> Response (08/17/2019 09:36 CST)
> Hi James,
I'm sorry it's taken this long to get back to you and thanks for being so patient.
> Your posted content was flagged as being unsolicited and/or spam in nature, which we've determined is in violation of our Professional Community Policies and User Agreement: [2].
> Under the "DO's and DON'Ts" section of the LinkedIn User Agreement and our Professional Community Policies, you agree not to:
> * Harass, abuse, or harm another person.
> * Send
spam or other unwelcomed communications to others.
> For more information on this, please refer to our LinkedIn Professional Community Policies [3]
> We've restricted your account pending your response that you'll adhere to the LinkedIn User Agreement and Professional Community Policies going forward. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
> Regards,
> Wyatt
> LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
> Response (08/17/2019 03:52 CST)
> Hi James,
> I'm sorry for not
having a quick answer about ___INSERT_SPECIFIC_ISSUE___. I've forwarded your message to another group for additional review and advice. We'll be in contact with you as quickly as possible but your issue may require additional research which may extend your wait time.
> You can always check the status of your ticket by clicking Me at the top right of your LinkedIn homepage and then selecting Help Center. From there, click your profile picture and select View your cases to see the status of any tickets
you've submitted.
> Thanks for your patience.
> Regards,
> Melissa
> LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
> Auto-Response (08/16/2019 11:12 CST)
> Thanks for contacting us. Someone from our support team will get back to you as soon as possible.
> Regards,
> Your LinkedIn Customer Experience Team
> *** This message is automatically generated by our system to show we've received your case. In order to answer your question or troubleshoot a problem, a
LinkedIn representative may need to access your account, including, as needed, your messages and settings. ***
> Member (08/16/2019 11:12 CST)
> SubmissionId: CONSUMER_LOGIN:2fc011b0-d90f-4012-97b2-bcfaf5f5a115
> (c) 2018 LinkedIn Corporation, 1000 West Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085.
> LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn.
> Privacy Policy [4] | User Agreement [5] | Copyright Policy [6]

Response (08/17/2019 13:51 CST)
Hi James,

Thanks for complying and adhering with our policies. I've gone ahead and removed the restriction on your account. However, please be advised that this is your final warning regarding abuses on the LinkedIn site. If your account is reported again after
today's date, your LinkedIn account will be subject to termination.

In regards to posted content, the feeds of your connections are personalized for them based on people they follow, their connections, and their engagement on LinkedIn. The more engaging and relevant your post is, the more likely it is to appear in their feeds.

We work to keep the platform focused on discussions relating to professional interests and activities. Content that doesn't appear to relate to these topics may not reach a
wide audience. Lastly, any content that doesn't comply with LinkedIn's User Agreement and Professional Community Policies may be subject to removal.

Thanks for your cooperation.


LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
Member (08/17/2019 13:40 CST)
Yes, I agree to your terms. I have tried my best to be within these terms.
Spam? That is what you are going to default yourself to?

Can you tell me exactly what post or content is considered this spam violation for my
own knowledge so I will be
extremely informed and extremely more careful to not do this again.

Ah, but why are all of my online posting articles also cascading down this chain of restrictions?

Why would my posts form years back 2017 be considered spam?

It is not. How
about my latest entry #9Scourges12Steps -- The 9 Scourges of Inequality and the 12 steps of Social Improvement to Rebuild Trust In Our Communities.

Why are my articles missing online? I only had 15 so it really is not a huge
loss in the aftermath of this intractable conflict of a wicked problem that I seek to correct in our society.

These just two article references that I noticed are deleted.

Page not found
Uh oh, we can't seem to find the page you're looking for. Try going back to the previous page or see our Help
Center for more information

You have already made up your mind --- and are just dotting your is and crossing your ts in process. You have no intention to restore my account.

If you do, please restore ALL
OF MY ARTICLE DATA in the process, please.

I have already issued my complaint processing request to the California Department Of Justice for your actions --- like I said ---

please pretty pretty please respond with exactly what content is flagged so that I can be


Thank you,

James Martin Driskill

Sender notified by
Mailtrack 08/17/19, 11:26:30 AM

View this case on our Help Center
Subject: Jumio Id Verification for Appeal [ 190816-005340 ]
Response (08/17/2019 09:36 CST)

Hi James,

I'm sorry it's taken this long to get back to you and thanks for being so patient.

Your posted content was flagged as being unsolicited and/or spam
in nature, which we've determined is in violation of our
Professional Community Policies and User Agreement: .

Under the "DO's and DON'Ts" section of the LinkedIn User Agreement and our Professional Community Policies, you agree not to:

• Harass, abuse, or harm another person.
• Send spam or other unwelcomed communications to others.

For more information on this, please refer to our LinkedIn Professional Community Policies

restricted your account pending your response that you'll adhere to
the LinkedIn User Agreement and Professional Community Policies going forward. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist

Response (08/17/2019 03:52 CST)
Hi James,
I'm sorry for not having a quick answer about ___INSERT_SPECIFIC_ISSUE___. I've forwarded your message to another group for additional review and advice. We'll be in contact with you as quickly as
possible but your issue may require additional research which may extend
your wait time.

You can always check the status of your ticket by clicking Me at the top right of your LinkedIn homepage and then selecting Help Center. From there, click your profile picture and select View your cases to see the status of any tickets you've submitted.

Thanks for your patience.


LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
Auto-Response (08/16/2019 11:12 CST)

Thanks for
contacting us. Someone from our support team will get back to you as soon as


Your LinkedIn Customer Experience Team

*** This message is automatically generated by our system to show we've received your case. In order to answer your question or troubleshoot a problem, a LinkedIn representative may need to access your account, including, as needed, your messages and settings. ***

Member (08/16/2019 11:12 CST)

© 2018 LinkedIn Corporation, 1000 West Maude Avenue,
Sunnyvale, CA 94085.
LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn.
Privacy Policy | User Agreement | Copyright Policy

Sender notified by
Mailtrack 08/17/19, 11:38:12 AM

==================== image File Attachment ====================
d8974688.gif, 42 bytes, added to ticket
Response (08/17/2019 09:36 CST)

Hi James,

I'm sorry
it's taken this long to get back to you and thanks for being so patient.

Your posted content was flagged as being unsolicited and/or spam in nature, which we've determined is in violation of our Professional Community Policies and User Agreement: .

Under the "DO's and DON'Ts" section of the LinkedIn User Agreement and our Professional Community Policies, you agree not to:

• Harass, abuse, or harm another person.
• Send spam or other unwelcomed
communications to others.

For more information on this, please refer to our LinkedIn Professional Community Policies

We've restricted your account pending your response that you'll adhere to the LinkedIn User Agreement and Professional Community Policies going forward. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist

Response (08/17/2019 03:52 CST)
Hi James,
I'm sorry for not having a quick answer about
___INSERT_SPECIFIC_ISSUE___. I've forwarded your message to another group for additional review and advice. We'll be in contact with you as quickly as possible but your issue may require additional research which may extend your wait time.

You can always check the status of your ticket by clicking Me at the top right of your LinkedIn homepage and then selecting Help Center. From there, click your profile picture and select View your cases to see the status of any tickets you've submitted.

Thanks for
your patience.


LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
Auto-Response (08/16/2019 11:12 CST)

Thanks for contacting us. Someone from our support team will get back to you as soon as possible.


Your LinkedIn Customer Experience Team

*** This message is automatically generated by our system to show we've received your case. In order to answer your question or troubleshoot a problem, a LinkedIn representative may need to access your account, including,
as needed, your messages and settings. ***

Member (08/16/2019 11:12 CST)
SubmissionId: CONSUMER_LOGIN:2fc011b0-d90f-4012-97b2-bcfaf5f5a115

© 2018 LinkedIn Corporation, 1000 West Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085.
LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn.
Privacy Policy | User Agreement | Copyright Policy

==================== image File Attachment ====================
28ccea91.png, 667608 bytes, added to ticket

==================== image File Attachment ====================
74251c16.png, 102651 bytes, added to ticket
Member (08/18/2019 11:30 CST)
I feel like I am being individually discriminated against. Why?

What you are telling me here --- what I did as an offense that if I continued to do -- would be to then have the outcome [ your goal ] to terminate my account...

Can you explain to me this video below? Are you telling me this video does not exist? You are telling me that the advice in this video is wrong?

Are you telling me that this video should be pulled? What exactly are you telling me when you apply this video that I
did wrong?

If "Mass Gun Shootings" is a topic that should apply to the "United Nations" posting

United Nations

"Together, we can put out the wildfire of hate and uphold the values that bind us together as a single human family" -- United Nations Secretary-General António Guterres. Get details on the UN plan of action on hate
speech here:

that we as a collective "Fighting hate must be a job for everyone"

Then exactly who is not applicable to being tagged? [ ANSWER THESE QUESTIONS ]

Finally, if it is I that have some solutions to bring forward about how to stop mass gun shootings,

why shoot the messenger of this ---- terminate his account --- instead of listening to me?


Answers PLEASE

You guys are absolutely individually targeting me to try to get me off your social platform ---
because I give logics to what must be applied to our society --- this society needs some social medicine
to stop these mass guns shootings in the United States of America. DON'T MAKE ME FILE A LAWSUIT AFTER THE FACT --- Get On Board with the

I am going to place the fax to your CEO online in this folder location: as well attach that FAX to the post from the United Nations.
This video sure looks like it is SPONSORED BY LINKED if you ask ME.......

Status is online

Shay ☀️ Rowbottom
• 2nd
I turn founders & executives into LinkedIn video creators ���� | PM me to learn more! ⤵️ | & FOLLOW ME for more content!


*TAGGING ON LINKEDIN!* @ @ @ ���� or ���� ? I talk a lot about PODS and their benefit when starting out... but there's quite the ~*CoNtRoVeRsY*~
over their merit & authenticity. Some call it "cheating", some simply just can't commit to being on one... I GET IT! (well, not the cheating belief, but not having time!) but ☝ - There is another strategy that works well for getting more reach on your videos, and it MIGHT be a better fit for you! BULK TAGGING! ���� What is bulk tagging? This: Joe / Sam / Derek / Shaneé / Kirsty / Ben / Chip / Matt / Troy ...and as many more as you're able to squeeze in! When I have a niche topic I'm covering on
LinkedIn , this is my strategy: ✅ Identify the topic ✅ Filter a search for people in that industry ✅ Tag said people in the comments, asking for their opinion! BOOM! ���� Easy engagement. Not only THAT!- People THANK ME for tagging them in posts! ���� It's another way for THEIR brand & profile to show up on this platform as well, and who doesn't want that!? Visibility for all ������������ What do YOU think? To tag, or not to tag? ���� Let us know down
below! Oh & also, don't forget to tag LinkedIn king pin ���� Oleg Vishnepolsky !! Maybe we can get him to comment on this post ���� We ❤️️ you hashtag # Oleg ! Thanks ya'll. ���� hashtag # Shayshine ☀️ hashtag # Tagging

View this case on our Help Center
Subject: Jumio Id Verification for Appeal [ 190816-005340 ]
Response (08/18/2019 08:06
Hi James,

In a recent post, there were multiple taggings of various companies/agencies in relation to a weblink pasted article "how to stop mass gun shootings". Tagging multiple agencies/companies in posts like this (to a web link related article) can be perceived as spam like/unwelcomed activity from these companies.

Going forward, we ask you take this into consideration when posting content on LinkedIn.


LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
(08/17/2019 14:58 CST)
Thank You Wyatt for restoring my account.

I still do not see where you have answered my specifics here and
provided me the exact content that violated your rules as SPAM.

Perhaps you are not understanding what presence I am working here. I am
working here as a peacebuilder. In community affairs,

not "direct employee/employer" specific workplace contents; but could

I understand "professionals interest and activities".

Let's understand the activities that
I am bringing awareness of.

It is NOT SPAM as there can be no SPAM when there are no commercial
applications to my postings for monetary transactions of any kind.

Let's go it in a different route,

A LinkedIn Article Posted by the United Nations says it plain.



"Together, we can put out the wildfire of hate and uphold the
that bind us together as a single human family" -- United Nations
Secretary-General António Guterres. Get details on the UN plan of action
on hate speech here:

* 5,444


What content are you referring to that has been deemed spam or

Let's get something straight here even though I am not straight but gay.
[ a joke :) ]

If there are involvements online --- which there is -- of systemic hate
that is not being
addressed within a community,

and that the United Nations itself says that FIGHTING HATE MUST BE A JOB
FOR EVERYONE. And when those everyones

that are in the line of this fight complain against the fighting style
of a peacebuilding networking platform [ with no monetary

linking incentives at all ], that such a fight is carried forward by
"informational theory" to be "named" or "called out" for their

roles of enabling or perhaps direct perpetrating hatred into the
community, I am not
violating rules of LinkedIn if Linkedin

is violating the rules of the suggestions of the United Nations. There
can be no middle ground here to understand my actions.


please provide those examples please. if you are unwilling or unable or
it is not capable of providing such real-world content

violations, then your justifications to restrict my account has no basis
to have been done twice
now and for the 3rd time

WARNING again there should be no basis for such a claim of content
violation when I am following certain moral guidance

#WordsToLiveBy upon our world, that it too is the basis to express
outward these #WordsToLiveBy for our society to follow.

Again Wyatt,

I ask very nicely to provide the content that you deem spam or

When you have been given #WordsToLiveBy by the United Nations.

Here are #WordsToLiveBy spoken by Pope Francis to the address
of the
United States in front of Congress Sept 2015:

Image Source: : Great Reasons Us Will
Unite Peace

Unsolicited You Say? I Say Pope Francis Calls Us In These Words ---

that puts us into a division of two camps, the righteous and the

In that a confront action perhaps would be UNSOLICITED --- because it is
calling out the needed attention to the actions that

need to be corrected and
amended. So that is what I am doing. But
someone out there does not like it, because I am calling

them out of their wrongdoing. When the social media platform is being a
"bad net actor" out here on the Internet that does not

make these corrections into our interconnections, we are left powerless
to the whims of hate to flag, block, bitch, moan, and complain

when they are being called out and are being shown to be exposed to
their wrong actions. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING


Acting as to the role of the historian in the role of these applied
#WordsToLiveBy circa 1750s.

It says: "Therefore He Who Would Rescue From Fast Gathering Oblivion The
Deeds Of A Community" [ Your Support Ticketing Here ]

continuing, "and send them onto futurity in an imperishable record" [ we
can determine that content on LinkedIn is perishable ],

continuing, "shall deliver a plain unvarnished tale." --- and that my
dearest friends of peace are
what can be established by misaligned

social media networking structures of technology. [ See: [17]]. Because someone in the LinkedIn
clan of

support staff does not see the points of brining these #WordsToLiveBy
into actionable address, is not my fault.

Wyatt, for the last time in this text, I ask you to provide the exact
content that was deemed to be a violation of your terms and rules.

If you cannot provide such a real-world citation of content back to
this is not violation #2 --- redact yourself to withdraw your

warning of another offense will subject me to termination of my account.

This email will be faxed to:

Master CEO Jeff Weiner - Da Boss
1 (650) 810-2897

Please notice that the #WordsToLiveBy circa 1750s appears in the
publication of this Psychology Book under

the section titled: "Social Improvement" --- and is why I am doing the
actions online that I do.... to change

the social dynamics that are out here in
the erosion of trust [ that
LinkedIn actually attributes causes

erosions ] that leads to murder and mass shootings [ Washington Post :
Oct 2017 ]

Perhaps you should look at yourself in a mirror and see what are the
corporate values of #CorporateSocialResponsibility in the calling for

[ This has quite a log of established contention between us --- perhaps
you might want to set yourself into motion to see a fault happening on
your side of considerations please ]

#CorporateSocialResponsibility/ [7]
2019-06-08 01:48


Name [8] Last
modified [9] Size [10] Description [11]


Parent Directory [12]
# [ Urgent Address 911 - To -
BarackObama.FuckedUpHuman.Net ]/ [13]
2019-06-06 14:56 -
#HumaneTech - Applied-Upward-Trust/ [14]
2019-06-08 01:48 -
#WordsToLiveBy [ YouTube TopMost Match ]/ [15]
2019-06-08 04:15 -
You-Have-Allowed-Hate-To-Win/ [16]
2019-06-08 01:49 -

Can you provide me a follow up that you have respected this support
ticketing of your paid customer and that you have truly

in real terms followed up with the details into motion --- and when that
has been done --- say WE ARE IN WITH PEACEBUILDING

P L E A S E ---- T H A N K Y O U V E R Y M U C H

James Martin Driskill [18]

Please read every word of this message, respond to every question asked,
consider every point of view offered and offer your

opinions on how it would be best served to follow the words to live by
expressed in this on your platform. ---> [ with a spoken voice text
narrative interface ],

> View this case [1] on our Help Center
> Subject: Jumio Id Verification for Appeal [190816-005340]
> Response (08/17/2019 13:51 CST)
> Hi James,
> Thanks for complying and adhering with our policies. I've gone ahead and removed the restriction on your account. However, please be advised that this is your final warning regarding abuses on the LinkedIn site. If your account is
reported again after today's date, your LinkedIn account will be subject to termination.
> In regards to posted content, the feeds of your connections are personalized for them based on people they follow, their connections, and their engagement on LinkedIn. The more engaging and relevant your post is, the more likely it is to appear in their feeds.
> We work to keep the platform focused on discussions relating to professional interests and activities. Content that doesn't appear to relate to
these topics may not reach a wide audience. Lastly, any content that doesn't comply with LinkedIn's User Agreement and Professional Community Policies may be subject to removal.
> Thanks for your cooperation.
> Regards,
> Wyatt
> LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
> Member (08/17/2019 13:40 CST)
> Yes, I agree to your terms. I have tried my best to be within these terms.
> Spam? That is what you are going to default yourself to?
> Can you tell me exactly what post
or content is considered this spam violation for my own knowledge so I will be
> extremely informed and extremely more careful to not do this again.
> Ah, but why are all of my online posting articles also cascading down this chain of restrictions?
> Why would my posts form years back 2017 be considered spam?
> It is not. How
> about my latest entry #9Scourges12Steps -- The 9 Scourges of Inequality and the 12 steps of Social Improvement to Rebuild Trust In Our Communities.
> Why
are my articles missing online? I only had 15 so it really is not a huge loss in the aftermath of this intractable conflict of a wicked problem that I seek to correct in our society.
> These just two article references that I noticed are deleted.
> Page not found
> Uh oh, we can't
seem to find the page you're looking for. Try going back to the previous page or see our Help Center for more information
> You have already made up your mind --- and are just dotting your is and crossing your ts in process. You have no intention to restore my account.
> If you do, please restore ALL
> OF MY ARTICLE DATA in the process, please.
> I have already issued my complaint processing request to the California Department Of Justice for your actions --- like I said ---
please pretty pretty please respond with exactly what content is flagged so that I can be
> Thank you,
> James Martin Driskill
> Sender notified by
> Mailtrack 08/17/19, 11:26:30 AM
> View this case on our Help Center
> Subject: Jumio Id Verification for Appeal [ 190816-005340 ]
> Response (08/17/2019 09:36 CST)
> Hi James,
> I'm sorry it's taken this long to
get back to you and thanks for being so patient.
> Your posted content was flagged as being unsolicited and/or spam in nature, which we've determined is in violation of our
> Professional Community Policies and User Agreement: .
> Under the "DO's and DON'Ts" section of the LinkedIn User Agreement and our Professional Community Policies, you agree not to:
> * Harass, abuse, or harm another person.
> * Send spam or other unwelcomed
communications to others.
> For more information on this, please refer to our LinkedIn Professional Community Policies
> We've restricted your account pending your response that you'll adhere to
> the LinkedIn User Agreement and Professional Community Policies going forward. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
> Regards,
> Wyatt
> LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
> Response (08/17/2019 03:52 CST)
> Hi James,
> I'm sorry for not having a quick answer
about ___INSERT_SPECIFIC_ISSUE___. I've forwarded your message to another group for additional review and advice. We'll be in contact with you as quickly as possible but your issue may require additional research which may extend
> your wait time.
> You can always check the status of your ticket by clicking Me at the top right of your LinkedIn homepage and then selecting Help Center. From there, click your profile picture and select View your cases to see the status of any tickets you've submitted.

> Thanks for your patience.
> Regards,
> Melissa
> LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
> Auto-Response (08/16/2019 11:12 CST)
> Thanks for contacting us. Someone from our support team will get back to you as soon as
> possible.
> Regards,
> Your LinkedIn Customer Experience Team
> *** This message is automatically generated by our system to show we've received your case. In order to answer your question or troubleshoot a problem, a LinkedIn
representative may need to access your account, including, as needed, your messages and settings. ***
> Member (08/16/2019 11:12 CST)
> SubmissionId: CONSUMER_LOGIN:2fc011b0-d90f-4012-97b2-bcfaf5f5a115
> (c) 2018 LinkedIn Corporation, 1000 West Maude Avenue,
> Sunnyvale, CA 94085.
> LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn.
> Privacy Policy | User Agreement | Copyright Policy
> Sender notified by
> Mailtrack 08/17/19, 11:38:12 AM
==================== image File Attachment ====================
> d8974688.gif, 42 bytes, added to ticket
> Response (08/17/2019 09:36 CST)
> Hi James,
> I'm sorry it's taken this long to get back to you and thanks for being so patient.
> Your posted content was flagged as being unsolicited and/or spam in nature, which we've determined is in violation of our Professional Community Policies and User Agreement: [2].
> Under the "DO's
and DON'Ts" section of the LinkedIn User Agreement and our Professional Community Policies, you agree not to:
> * Harass, abuse, or harm another person.
> * Send spam or other unwelcomed communications to others.
> For more information on this, please refer to our LinkedIn Professional Community Policies [3]
> We've restricted your account pending your response that you'll adhere to the LinkedIn User Agreement and Professional Community Policies going forward. I look forward to hearing
from you soon.
> Regards,
> Wyatt
> LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
> Response (08/17/2019 03:52 CST)
> Hi James,
> I'm sorry for not having a quick answer about ___INSERT_SPECIFIC_ISSUE___. I've forwarded your message to another group for additional review and advice. We'll be in contact with you as quickly as possible but your issue may require additional research which may extend your wait time.
> You can always check the status of your ticket by clicking Me at the
top right of your LinkedIn homepage and then selecting Help Center. From there, click your profile picture and select View your cases to see the status of any tickets you've submitted.
> Thanks for your patience.
> Regards,
> Melissa
> LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
> Auto-Response (08/16/2019 11:12 CST)
> Thanks for contacting us. Someone from our support team will get back to you as soon as possible.
> Regards,
> Your LinkedIn Customer Experience Team

> *** This message is automatically generated by our system to show we've received your case. In order to answer your question or troubleshoot a problem, a LinkedIn representative may need to access your account, including, as needed, your messages and settings. ***
> Member (08/16/2019 11:12 CST)
> SubmissionId: CONSUMER_LOGIN:2fc011b0-d90f-4012-97b2-bcfaf5f5a115
> (c) 2018 LinkedIn Corporation, 1000 West Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085.
> LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered
trademarks of LinkedIn.
> Privacy Policy [4] | User Agreement [5] | Copyright Policy [6]

Response (08/17/2019 13:51 CST)
Hi James,

Thanks for complying and adhering with our policies. I've gone ahead and removed the restriction on your account. However, please be advised that this is your final warning regarding abuses on the LinkedIn site. If your account is reported again after
today's date, your LinkedIn account will be subject to termination.

In regards to posted content, the feeds of your connections are personalized for them based on people they follow, their connections, and their engagement on LinkedIn. The more engaging and relevant your post is, the more likely it is to appear in their feeds.

We work to keep the platform focused on discussions relating to professional interests and activities. Content that doesn't appear to relate to these topics may not reach a
wide audience. Lastly, any content that doesn't comply with LinkedIn's User Agreement and Professional Community Policies may be subject to removal.

Thanks for your cooperation.


LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
Member (08/17/2019 13:40 CST)
Yes, I agree to your terms. I have tried my best to be within these terms.
Spam? That is what you are going to default yourself to?

Can you tell me exactly what post or content is considered this spam violation for my
own knowledge so I will be
extremely informed and extremely more careful to not do this again.

Ah, but why are all of my online posting articles also cascading down this chain of restrictions?

Why would my posts form years back 2017 be considered spam?

It is not. How
about my latest entry #9Scourges12Steps -- The 9 Scourges of Inequality and the 12 steps of Social Improvement to Rebuild Trust In Our Communities.

Why are my articles missing online? I only had 15 so it really is not a huge
loss in the aftermath of this intractable conflict of a wicked problem that I seek to correct in our society.

These just two article references that I noticed are deleted.

Page not found
Uh oh, we can't seem to find the page you're looking for. Try going back to the previous page or see our Help
Center for more information

You have already made up your mind --- and are just dotting your is and crossing your ts in process. You have no intention to restore my account.

If you do, please restore ALL
OF MY ARTICLE DATA in the process, please.

I have already issued my complaint processing request to the California Department Of Justice for your actions --- like I said ---

please pretty pretty please respond with exactly what content is flagged so that I can be


Thank you,

James Martin Driskill

Sender notified by
Mailtrack 08/17/19, 11:26:30 AM

View this case on our Help Center
Subject: Jumio Id Verification for Appeal [ 190816-005340 ]
Response (08/17/2019 09:36 CST)

Hi James,

I'm sorry it's taken this long to get back to you and thanks for being so patient.

Your posted content was flagged as being unsolicited and/or spam
in nature, which we've determined is in violation of our
Professional Community Policies and User Agreement: .

Under the "DO's and DON'Ts" section of the LinkedIn User Agreement and our Professional Community Policies, you agree not to:

• Harass, abuse, or harm another person.
• Send spam or other unwelcomed communications to others.

For more information on this, please refer to our LinkedIn Professional Community Policies

restricted your account pending your response that you'll adhere to
the LinkedIn User Agreement and Professional Community Policies going forward. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist

Response (08/17/2019 03:52 CST)
Hi James,
I'm sorry for not having a quick answer about ___INSERT_SPECIFIC_ISSUE___. I've forwarded your message to another group for additional review and advice. We'll be in contact with you as quickly as
possible but your issue may require additional research which may extend
your wait time.

You can always check the status of your ticket by clicking Me at the top right of your LinkedIn homepage and then selecting Help Center. From there, click your profile picture and select View your cases to see the status of any tickets you've submitted.

Thanks for your patience.


LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
Auto-Response (08/16/2019 11:12 CST)

Thanks for
contacting us. Someone from our support team will get back to you as soon as


Your LinkedIn Customer Experience Team

*** This message is automatically generated by our system to show we've received your case. In order to answer your question or troubleshoot a problem, a LinkedIn representative may need to access your account, including, as needed, your messages and settings. ***

Member (08/16/2019 11:12 CST)

© 2018 LinkedIn Corporation, 1000 West Maude Avenue,
Sunnyvale, CA 94085.
LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn.
Privacy Policy | User Agreement | Copyright Policy

Sender notified by
Mailtrack 08/17/19, 11:38:12 AM

==================== image File Attachment ====================
d8974688.gif, 42 bytes, added to ticket
Response (08/17/2019 09:36 CST)

Hi James,

I'm sorry
it's taken this long to get back to you and thanks for being so patient.

Your posted content was flagged as being unsolicited and/or spam in nature, which we've determined is in violation of our Professional Community Policies and User Agreement: .

Under the "DO's and DON'Ts" section of the LinkedIn User Agreement and our Professional Community Policies, you agree not to:

• Harass, abuse, or harm another person.
• Send spam or other unwelcomed
communications to others.

For more information on this, please refer to our LinkedIn Professional Community Policies

We've restricted your account pending your response that you'll adhere to the LinkedIn User Agreement and Professional Community Policies going forward. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist

Response (08/17/2019 03:52 CST)
Hi James,
I'm sorry for not having a quick answer about
___INSERT_SPECIFIC_ISSUE___. I've forwarded your message to another group for additional review and advice. We'll be in contact with you as quickly as possible but your issue may require additional research which may extend your wait time.

You can always check the status of your ticket by clicking Me at the top right of your LinkedIn homepage and then selecting Help Center. From there, click your profile picture and select View your cases to see the status of any tickets you've submitted.

Thanks for
your patience.


LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
Auto-Response (08/16/2019 11:12 CST)

Thanks for contacting us. Someone from our support team will get back to you as soon as possible.


Your LinkedIn Customer Experience Team

*** This message is automatically generated by our system to show we've received your case. In order to answer your question or troubleshoot a problem, a LinkedIn representative may need to access your account, including,
as needed, your messages and settings. ***

Member (08/16/2019 11:12 CST)
SubmissionId: CONSUMER_LOGIN:2fc011b0-d90f-4012-97b2-bcfaf5f5a115

© 2018 LinkedIn Corporation, 1000 West Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085.
LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn.
Privacy Policy | User Agreement | Copyright Policy

==================== image File Attachment ====================
28ccea91.png, 667608 bytes, added to ticket

==================== image File Attachment ====================
28ccea91.png, 667608 bytes, added to ticket

==================== image File Attachment ====================
74251c16.png, 102651 bytes, added to ticket
Response (08/18/2019 08:06 CST)
Hi James,

In a recent post, there were multiple taggings of various companies/agencies in relation to a weblink pasted article "how to stop mass gun shootings". Tagging multiple agencies/companies in posts like this (to a web link related article) can be perceived as spam like/unwelcomed activity from these companies.

Going forward, we ask you take this into consideration when posting content on LinkedIn.


LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
Member (08/17/2019 14:58 CST)
Thank You Wyatt for restoring my account.

I still do not see where you have answered my specifics here and
provided me the exact content that violated your rules as SPAM.

Perhaps you are not understanding what presence I am working here. I am
working here as a peacebuilder. In community affairs,

not "direct employee/employer" specific workplace contents; but could

I understand "professionals interest and activities".

Let's understand the activities that I am bringing awareness of.

It is NOT SPAM as there can be no SPAM when there are no commercial
applications to my postings for monetary transactions of any kind.

Let's go it in a different route,

A LinkedIn Article Posted by the United Nations says it plain.



"Together, we can put out the wildfire of hate and uphold the values
that bind us together as a single human family" -- United Nations
Secretary-General António Guterres. Get details on the UN plan of action
on hate speech here:

* 5,444


What content are you referring to that has been deemed spam or

Let's get something straight here even though I am not straight but gay.
[ a joke :) ]

If there are involvements online --- which there is -- of systemic hate
that is not being addressed within a community,

and that the United Nations itself says that FIGHTING HATE MUST BE A JOB
FOR EVERYONE. And when those everyones

that are in the line of this fight complain against the fighting style
of a peacebuilding networking platform [ with no monetary

linking incentives at all ], that such a fight is carried forward by
"informational theory" to be "named" or "called out" for their

roles of enabling or perhaps direct perpetrating hatred into the
community, I am not violating rules of LinkedIn if Linkedin

is violating the rules of the suggestions of the United Nations. There
can be no middle ground here to understand my actions.


please provide those examples please. if you are unwilling or unable or
it is not capable of providing such real-world content

violations, then your justifications to restrict my account has no basis
to have been done twice now and for the 3rd time

WARNING again there should be no basis for such a claim of content
violation when I am following certain moral guidance

#WordsToLiveBy upon our world, that it too is the basis to express
outward these #WordsToLiveBy for our society to follow.

Again Wyatt,

I ask very nicely to provide the content that you deem spam or

When you have been given #WordsToLiveBy by the United Nations.

Here are #WordsToLiveBy spoken by Pope Francis to the address of the
United States in front of Congress Sept 2015:

Image Source: : Great Reasons Us Will
Unite Peace

Unsolicited You Say? I Say Pope Francis Calls Us In These Words ---

that puts us into a division of two camps, the righteous and the

In that a confront action perhaps would be UNSOLICITED --- because it is
calling out the needed attention to the actions that

need to be corrected and amended. So that is what I am doing. But
someone out there does not like it, because I am calling

them out of their wrongdoing. When the social media platform is being a
"bad net actor" out here on the Internet that does not

make these corrections into our interconnections, we are left powerless
to the whims of hate to flag, block, bitch, moan, and complain

when they are being called out and are being shown to be exposed to
their wrong actions. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NOTHING


Acting as to the role of the historian in the role of these applied
#WordsToLiveBy circa 1750s.

It says: "Therefore He Who Would Rescue From Fast Gathering Oblivion The
Deeds Of A Community" [ Your Support Ticketing Here ]

continuing, "and send them onto futurity in an imperishable record" [ we
can determine that content on LinkedIn is perishable ],

continuing, "shall deliver a plain unvarnished tale." --- and that my
dearest friends of peace are what can be established by misaligned

social media networking structures of technology. [ See: [17]]. Because someone in the LinkedIn
clan of

support staff does not see the points of brining these #WordsToLiveBy
into actionable address, is not my fault.

Wyatt, for the last time in this text, I ask you to provide the exact
content that was deemed to be a violation of your terms and rules.

If you cannot provide such a real-world citation of content back to me,
this is not violation #2 --- redact yourself to withdraw your

warning of another offense will subject me to termination of my account.

This email will be faxed to:

Master CEO Jeff Weiner - Da Boss
1 (650) 810-2897

Please notice that the #WordsToLiveBy circa 1750s appears in the
publication of this Psychology Book under

the section titled: "Social Improvement" --- and is why I am doing the
actions online that I do.... to change

the social dynamics that are out here in the erosion of trust [ that
LinkedIn actually attributes causes

erosions ] that leads to murder and mass shootings [ Washington Post :
Oct 2017 ]

Perhaps you should look at yourself in a mirror and see what are the
corporate values of #CorporateSocialResponsibility in the calling for

[ This has quite a log of established contention between us --- perhaps
you might want to set yourself into motion to see a fault happening on
your side of considerations please ]

#CorporateSocialResponsibility/ [7]
2019-06-08 01:48


Name [8] Last
modified [9] Size [10] Description [11]


Parent Directory [12]
# [ Urgent Address 911 - To - BarackObama.FuckedUpHuman.Net ]/ [13]
2019-06-06 14:56 -
#HumaneTech - Applied-Upward-Trust/ [14]
2019-06-08 01:48 -
#WordsToLiveBy [ YouTube TopMost Match ]/ [15]
2019-06-08 04:15 -
You-Have-Allowed-Hate-To-Win/ [16]
2019-06-08 01:49 -

Can you provide me a follow up that you have respected this support
ticketing of your paid customer and that you have truly

in real terms followed up with the details into motion --- and when that
has been done --- say WE ARE IN WITH PEACEBUILDING

P L E A S E ---- T H A N K Y O U V E R Y M U C H

James Martin Driskill [18]

Please read every word of this message, respond to every question asked,
consider every point of view offered and offer your

opinions on how it would be best served to follow the words to live by
expressed in this on your platform. ---> [ with a spoken voice text
narrative interface ],

> View this case [1] on our Help Center
> Subject: Jumio Id Verification for Appeal [190816-005340]
> Response (08/17/2019 13:51 CST)
> Hi James,
> Thanks for complying and adhering with our policies. I've gone ahead and removed the restriction on your account. However, please be advised that this is your final warning regarding abuses on the LinkedIn site. If your account is reported again after today's date, your LinkedIn account will be subject to termination.
> In regards to posted content, the feeds of your connections are personalized for them based on people they follow, their connections, and their engagement on LinkedIn. The more engaging and relevant your post is, the more likely it is to appear in their feeds.
> We work to keep the platform focused on discussions relating to professional interests and activities. Content that doesn't appear to relate to these topics may not reach a wide audience. Lastly, any content that doesn't comply with LinkedIn's User Agreement and Professional Community Policies may be subject to removal.
> Thanks for your cooperation.
> Regards,
> Wyatt
> LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
> Member (08/17/2019 13:40 CST)
> Yes, I agree to your terms. I have tried my best to be within these terms.
> Spam? That is what you are going to default yourself to?
> Can you tell me exactly what post or content is considered this spam violation for my own knowledge so I will be
> extremely informed and extremely more careful to not do this again.
> Ah, but why are all of my online posting articles also cascading down this chain of restrictions?
> Why would my posts form years back 2017 be considered spam?
> It is not. How
> about my latest entry #9Scourges12Steps -- The 9 Scourges of Inequality and the 12 steps of Social Improvement to Rebuild Trust In Our Communities.
> Why are my articles missing online? I only had 15 so it really is not a huge loss in the aftermath of this intractable conflict of a wicked problem that I seek to correct in our society.
> These just two article references that I noticed are deleted.
> Page not found
> Uh oh, we can't seem to find the page you're looking for. Try going back to the previous page or see our Help Center for more information
> You have already made up your mind --- and are just dotting your is and crossing your ts in process. You have no intention to restore my account.
> If you do, please restore ALL
> OF MY ARTICLE DATA in the process, please.
> I have already issued my complaint processing request to the California Department Of Justice for your actions --- like I said ---
> please pretty pretty please respond with exactly what content is flagged so that I can be
> Thank you,
> James Martin Driskill
> Sender notified by
> Mailtrack 08/17/19, 11:26:30 AM
> View this case on our Help Center
> Subject: Jumio Id Verification for Appeal [ 190816-005340 ]
> Response (08/17/2019 09:36 CST)
> Hi James,
> I'm sorry it's taken this long to get back to you and thanks for being so patient.
> Your posted content was flagged as being unsolicited and/or spam in nature, which we've determined is in violation of our
> Professional Community Policies and User Agreement: .
> Under the "DO's and DON'Ts" section of the LinkedIn User Agreement and our Professional Community Policies, you agree not to:
> * Harass, abuse, or harm another person.
> * Send spam or other unwelcomed communications to others.
> For more information on this, please refer to our LinkedIn Professional Community Policies
> We've restricted your account pending your response that you'll adhere to
> the LinkedIn User Agreement and Professional Community Policies going forward. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
> Regards,
> Wyatt
> LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
> Response (08/17/2019 03:52 CST)
> Hi James,
> I'm sorry for not having a quick answer about ___INSERT_SPECIFIC_ISSUE___. I've forwarded your message to another group for additional review and advice. We'll be in contact with you as quickly as possible but your issue may require additional research which may extend
> your wait time.
> You can always check the status of your ticket by clicking Me at the top right of your LinkedIn homepage and then selecting Help Center. From there, click your profile picture and select View your cases to see the status of any tickets you've submitted.
> Thanks for your patience.
> Regards,
> Melissa
> LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
> Auto-Response (08/16/2019 11:12 CST)
> Thanks for contacting us. Someone from our support team will get back to you as soon as
> possible.
> Regards,
> Your LinkedIn Customer Experience Team
> *** This message is automatically generated by our system to show we've received your case. In order to answer your question or troubleshoot a problem, a LinkedIn representative may need to access your account, including, as needed, your messages and settings. ***
> Member (08/16/2019 11:12 CST)
> SubmissionId: CONSUMER_LOGIN:2fc011b0-d90f-4012-97b2-bcfaf5f5a115
> (c) 2018 LinkedIn Corporation, 1000 West Maude Avenue,
> Sunnyvale, CA 94085.
> LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn.
> Privacy Policy | User Agreement | Copyright Policy
> Sender notified by
> Mailtrack 08/17/19, 11:38:12 AM
> ==================== image File Attachment ====================
> d8974688.gif, 42 bytes, added to ticket
> Response (08/17/2019 09:36 CST)
> Hi James,
> I'm sorry it's taken this long to get back to you and thanks for being so patient.
> Your posted content was flagged as being unsolicited and/or spam in nature, which we've determined is in violation of our Professional Community Policies and User Agreement: [2].
> Under the "DO's and DON'Ts" section of the LinkedIn User Agreement and our Professional Community Policies, you agree not to:
> * Harass, abuse, or harm another person.
> * Send spam or other unwelcomed communications to others.
> For more information on this, please refer to our LinkedIn Professional Community Policies [3]
> We've restricted your account pending your response that you'll adhere to the LinkedIn User Agreement and Professional Community Policies going forward. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
> Regards,
> Wyatt
> LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
> Response (08/17/2019 03:52 CST)
> Hi James,
> I'm sorry for not having a quick answer about ___INSERT_SPECIFIC_ISSUE___. I've forwarded your message to another group for additional review and advice. We'll be in contact with you as quickly as possible but your issue may require additional research which may extend your wait time.
> You can always check the status of your ticket by clicking Me at the top right of your LinkedIn homepage and then selecting Help Center. From there, click your profile picture and select View your cases to see the status of any tickets you've submitted.
> Thanks for your patience.
> Regards,
> Melissa
> LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
> Auto-Response (08/16/2019 11:12 CST)
> Thanks for contacting us. Someone from our support team will get back to you as soon as possible.
> Regards,
> Your LinkedIn Customer Experience Team
> *** This message is automatically generated by our system to show we've received your case. In order to answer your question or troubleshoot a problem, a LinkedIn representative may need to access your account, including, as needed, your messages and settings. ***
> Member (08/16/2019 11:12 CST)
> SubmissionId: CONSUMER_LOGIN:2fc011b0-d90f-4012-97b2-bcfaf5f5a115
> (c) 2018 LinkedIn Corporation, 1000 West Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085.
> LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn.
> Privacy Policy [4] | User Agreement [5] | Copyright Policy [6]

Response (08/17/2019 13:51 CST)
Hi James,

Thanks for complying and adhering with our policies. I've gone ahead and removed the restriction on your account. However, please be advised that this is your final warning regarding abuses on the LinkedIn site. If your account is reported again after today's date, your LinkedIn account will be subject to termination.

In regards to posted content, the feeds of your connections are personalized for them based on people they follow, their connections, and their engagement on LinkedIn. The more engaging and relevant your post is, the more likely it is to appear in their feeds.

We work to keep the platform focused on discussions relating to professional interests and activities. Content that doesn't appear to relate to these topics may not reach a wide audience. Lastly, any content that doesn't comply with LinkedIn's User Agreement and Professional Community Policies may be subject to removal.

Thanks for your cooperation.


LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
Member (08/17/2019 13:40 CST)
Yes, I agree to your terms. I have tried my best to be within these terms.
Spam? That is what you are going to default yourself to?

Can you tell me exactly what post or content is considered this spam violation for my own knowledge so I will be
extremely informed and extremely more careful to not do this again.

Ah, but why are all of my online posting articles also cascading down this chain of restrictions?

Why would my posts form years back 2017 be considered spam?

It is not. How
about my latest entry #9Scourges12Steps -- The 9 Scourges of Inequality and the 12 steps of Social Improvement to Rebuild Trust In Our Communities.

Why are my articles missing online? I only had 15 so it really is not a huge loss in the aftermath of this intractable conflict of a wicked problem that I seek to correct in our society.

These just two article references that I noticed are deleted.

Page not found
Uh oh, we can't seem to find the page you're looking for. Try going back to the previous page or see our Help Center for more information

You have already made up your mind --- and are just dotting your is and crossing your ts in process. You have no intention to restore my account.

If you do, please restore ALL
OF MY ARTICLE DATA in the process, please.

I have already issued my complaint processing request to the California Department Of Justice for your actions --- like I said ---

please pretty pretty please respond with exactly what content is flagged so that I can be


Thank you,

James Martin Driskill

Sender notified by
Mailtrack 08/17/19, 11:26:30 AM

View this case on our Help Center
Subject: Jumio Id Verification for Appeal [ 190816-005340 ]
Response (08/17/2019 09:36 CST)

Hi James,

I'm sorry it's taken this long to get back to you and thanks for being so patient.

Your posted content was flagged as being unsolicited and/or spam in nature, which we've determined is in violation of our
Professional Community Policies and User Agreement: .

Under the "DO's and DON'Ts" section of the LinkedIn User Agreement and our Professional Community Policies, you agree not to:

• Harass, abuse, or harm another person.
• Send spam or other unwelcomed communications to others.

For more information on this, please refer to our LinkedIn Professional Community Policies

We've restricted your account pending your response that you'll adhere to
the LinkedIn User Agreement and Professional Community Policies going forward. I look forward to hearing from you soon.


LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist

Response (08/17/2019 03:52 CST)
Hi James,
I'm sorry for not having a quick answer about ___INSERT_SPECIFIC_ISSUE___. I've forwarded your message to another group for additional review and advice. We'll be in contact with you as quickly as possible but your issue may require additional research which may extend
your wait time.

You can always check the status of your ticket by clicking Me at the top right of your LinkedIn homepage and then selecting Help Center. From there, click your profile picture and select View your cases to see the status of any tickets you've submitted.

Thanks for your patience.


LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
Auto-Response (08/16/2019 11:12 CST)

Thanks for contacting us. Someone from our support team will get back to you as soon as


Your LinkedIn Customer Experience Team

*** This message is automatically generated by our system to show we've received your case. In order to answer your question or troubleshoot a problem, a LinkedIn representative may need to access your account, including, as needed, your messages and settings. ***

Member (08/16/2019 11:12 CST)
SubmissionId: CONSUMER_LOGIN:2fc011b0-d90f-4012-97b2-bcfaf5f5a115

© 2018 LinkedIn Corporation, 1000 West Maude Avenue,
Sunnyvale, CA 94085.
LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn.
Privacy Policy | User Agreement | Copyright Policy

Sender notified by
Mailtrack 08/17/19, 11:38:12 AM

==================== image File Attachment ====================
d8974688.gif, 42 bytes, added to ticket
Response (08/17/2019 09:36 CST)
Hi James,
I'm sorry it's taken this long to get back to you and thanks for being so patient.

Your posted content was flagged as being unsolicited and/or spam in nature, which we've determined is in violation of our Professional Community Policies and User Agreement:

Under the "DO's and DON'Ts" section of the LinkedIn User Agreement and our Professional Community Policies, you agree not to:

• Harass, abuse, or harm another person.
• Send spam or other unwelcomed communications to others.
For more information on this, please refer to our LinkedIn Professional Community Policies  

We've restricted your account pending your response that you'll adhere to the LinkedIn User Agreement and Professional Community Policies going forward. I look forward to hearing from you soon.
LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
Response (08/17/2019 03:52 CST)
Hi James,
I'm sorry for not having a quick answer about ___INSERT_SPECIFIC_ISSUE___. I've forwarded your message to another group for additional review and advice. We'll be in contact with you as quickly as possible but your issue may require additional research which may extend your wait time.

You can always check the status of your ticket by clicking Me at the top right of your LinkedIn homepage and then selecting Help Center. From there, click your profile picture and select View your cases to see the status of any tickets you've submitted.

Thanks for your patience.


LinkedIn Safety Operations Support Specialist
Auto-Response (08/16/2019 11:12 CST)
Thanks for contacting us. Someone from our support team will get back to you as soon as possible.
Your LinkedIn Customer Experience Team
*** This message is automatically generated by our system to show we've received your case. In order to answer your question or troubleshoot a problem, a LinkedIn representative may need to access your account, including, as needed, your messages and settings. ***
Member (08/16/2019 11:12 CST)
SubmissionId: CONSUMER_LOGIN:2fc011b0-d90f-4012-97b2-bcfaf5f5a115

© 2018 LinkedIn Corporation, 1000 West Maude Avenue, Sunnyvale, CA 94085.
LinkedIn and the LinkedIn logo are registered trademarks of LinkedIn.
Privacy Policy | User Agreement | Copyright Policy
