........James Driskill.James has a premium account.Website Content Manager at Gruwup.net.San Bernardino, California 297 connections.James Driskill.Contact Info.Your Profile.linkedin.com/in/realuphuman.Websites.inthemindway.org (Personal Website).realuphuman.net (Content Server for @Gruwup.net).about.realuphuman.net (Content Server for @Gruwup.net).Phone.720 446-7044 (Work).Address.3260 Grande Vista San Bernardino CA 92405 https://gruwupnetpeacebuildingwebsite.business.site/.Email.linkedin.com@realuphuman.net.Twitter.Gruwup.Birthday.September 1.image.gif.Realuphuman.net : Gruwup.net : F/MuckedUpHuman.net..California State University-San Bernardi.About.A confrontation of matters may not seem to be the tools of a peacekeeper. That is because I am not a peacekeeper; I am a peacemaker. As a builder of peace, it is the duty and wisdom honor to see where there are routines, attitudes, behaviors, and conditions in life that are working against or contrary to full ways of peaceful sharing and living within our communities. Truth requires trust. Without trust, we cannot find the truth. Peacemaking is about trust binding or holding trust in unconditional states of honesty and integrity that are unshakable. ..The opposite of peace is not violence; it is forced intentional oblivion. I represent this concept in my writing at the emoji [ 💣 : bomb ]. The bomb emoji represents that even though there may be silence at any stage of influence, that others might not have the courage to speak up, mindful way of making thought to conclusion actions of change before it is too late. This to speak out about what is happening in the stresses being oppressed or unnoticed in one's everyday conditions. ..Where oblivions are being weighted against the tide of peace and there is going to be a point when the encapsulated stresses of oblivion after oblivion burst and the explosion occurs by a manifestation of emotional acts of violence...The mass gun shooting events that occur are just one kind of example of where in our collective is not operating in a correct peaceful sharing way and it is manifesting in conditions of erosions of trust happening that are profoundly weighed against one's life presence and emotional balance...I draw upon several source #WordsToLiveBy as guidance in the peacemaking process. They are not my words of expression directly, I am repeating them from the past and recapturing to empower them once again. ..This concept of fetching the past that was forgotten of wisdom to build life upon is found in the symbolism of the African adinkra #Sankofa - It is not wrong to go back and fetch what was forgotten........+10..Articles & activity.297 followers ..This Is Called Public Health.James’ profile photo.James Driskill.Published on LinkedIn.Dear Linkedin Audience, I am seeking a Circle of Doctors To Discuss Matters of Grave Concern, matters of life and death wellness of an impacted community across the United States and how an Erosion of Trust in a hate conspiracy is affecting matter of catastrophic portions by being a major contributor to violence, murder, and mass shootings. We must excise the hate out of the Ryan White Care Act system of government-sponsored hate funded social and doctor provider care network across the nation. The greater society must be considered rather than just a subset of persons living with HIV/AIDS in the United States of America. They are both interdependently related. Please open and receive these introduction addresses. Thank you. James Martin Driskill 3260 Grande Vista San Bernardino CA 92405 909-882-8759 [1] Spoken Voice Text Narrative Audio: [ 4 minutes 37 seconds ]: This Is Called Public Health: Doctor Aggarwai --- [2] Written Email to Medical Voice For Policy Change Forum #GovernmentSponsoredHate : Introduction Who I am. [ email pdf ]....No alt text provided for this image...Experience.image.gif.Website Content Manager.Company Name..Realuphuman.net : Gruwup.net : F/MuckedUpHuman.net.Dates Employed.Jun 2005 – Present.Employment Duration.14 yrs 3 mos.Location.San Bernardino, CA.I own a very unique triad naming set of internet domains with logics of information theory called a trust ladder. In these domains, where people, places, organizations, and things are placed onto a live life journal of over 10 years. The registration of the domains began in June 2005. Since then, I have never had any content removal requests received for the content that is placed onto these domains. These domains represent are the polar opposites of negative to positive trust with a center point evaluation of 0. The goal of this network to attempt to engage in those things or persons of our society that appear to have negative trust for various reasons and help them with encouraged gruwup.net wisdom guidance with #WordsToLiveBy [ written by others ] that if one applies could bring the value of trust back into alignment of 0 value and progression can return in view community social responsibility including #CorporateSocialResponibility. The current state of #SocialTrust is on the digression scale way negative value below 0. It is the goal of this network to apply trust-building that are needed "social medicine" to apply to our everyday interpersonal lives...As I published on Linkedin July 16th, 2016 describes the process to which the erosions of trust is leading some to carry out these mass gun shootings. In July 2017, Harriet Fraad published an article called "Mass Murder Capitalist Misery: Economy Meet Psychology". She poses 9 scourges of inequality in which 1 + 2 [ Erosion of Trust] and 6 + 7 [Mass Murder and Suicides] are placed into a list of items related. Lastly mentioned later October 6th 2017, Washington Post : How the Erosion of Trust Leads to Murder and Mass Shootings. The same conclusion that I had a year and months prior. This network is the basis of understanding foundational causes of violence and social medicine to include Harriet Fraad's suggestion of 12 Steps of Social Improvement to Rebuild Trust In Our Society. [ http://12steps.gruwup.net ] ......+4..image.gif.Person Living With HIV/AIDS as Client Of CONTRACED SERVICES Role Here [Educator/Experienced Client].Company Name..Foothill AIDS Project.Dates Employed.Aug 2017 – Present.Employment Duration.2 yrs 1 mo.Location.San Bernardino.This Update May Sound/Read/Look Strange. The links are ok to browse by SiteAdvisor...http://foothillaidsproject.fuckeduphuman.net/..http://foothillaidsproject.fuckeduphuman..net/Staff/Maritza_Tona-ExecDirector/..http://foothillaidsproject.fuckeduphuman.net/Staff/Michael_R_Maynard..http://michael-ray-maynard.fuckeduphuman.net..Personal Ethics Being Challenged:.http://michael-ray-maynard.fuckeduphuman.net/%23E-Mail/Gmail%20-%20%5b%20Personal%20Ethics%20Being%20Challenged%20%5d.html..FAIL!..Our interpersonal relationship must be considered special case because:.http://michael-ray-maynard.fuckeduphuman.net/Our-interpersonal-relationship-must-be-considered-special-case-because.html..FAIL! ..http://foothillaidsproject.fuckeduphuman.net/Staff/Jennifer-Anne-Brehme..http://jennifer-anne-brehme.fuckeduphuman.net..Response To Housing Question:.http://jennifer-anne-brehme.fuckeduphuman.net/Gmail%20-%20response%20to%20housing%20question.html..FAIL!..FAP Support - Nov062018 - Invisable - Empower Our Visions [ A Client Centered Approach To Services ].http://jennifer-anne-brehme.fuckeduphuman.net/Gmail%20-%20FAP%20Support%20-%20Nov062018%20-%20Invisable%20-%20Empower%20Our%20Visions.html..FAIL! CONFLICT TO ATTORNEY.Follows A Pattern -- Already Written About [ Typical Response To Hide Conspiracy ]..http://fuckeduphuman.net/Organizations/Leahy.Law.Firm/..Demand Letter : "CEASE AND DESIST" ..http://fuckeduphuman.net/Organizations/Leahy.Law.Firm/Civil-Litigation-TrialOfTheCentury-IHaveTheBallsToFileCivilAndCriminalComplaint-ServicesOfferedPublicIsAFraudOnThePublic-CorruptionProbable-ReviewsReflectContemptForAllClients-StandardsOfCareContactedServicesBreached/CeaseDesistLetter-Harassment-ClientFoothillAidsProjectJustifiedAngry-MentalHealthAccessDeceptive-ActsInvolvedInCare-MalformedMentalWellness.png..Answer To Demand:.https://www.linkedin.com/feed/update/urn:li:activity:6466769310558887936/ .[Sort By Recent Comments - Read Full Complete Post ] ...image.gif.Owner / WebAdmin.Company Name..@RealUpHuman.Net : @Gruwup.Net.Dates Employed.Apr 2015 – Present.Employment Duration.4 yrs 5 mos.Location.Residenal Workspace : Chesney Klienjohn Apartments, Denver CO.@GRUWUP 2015: .Great Reasons Us [ You and I, and anyone else ] Will Unite Peace...FromTheDeskOf-Gruwup-us-bw[TallCloud]-rev2.0.FromTheDeskOf-Gruwup-us-bw[TallCloud]-rev2.0..image.gif.Peacebuilder : Owner / WebAdmin : @Realuphuman.net.Company Name..inthemindway.org.Dates Employed.Jun 2005 – Present.Employment Duration.14 yrs 3 mos.Location.Denver, Co [ Chesney KlienJohn Apartments Resident ].Peacebuilding in all of ways of "building a better community" by way of utilizing concepts .of "Informational Theory" within a triad set of memespace internet domains:..[ @RealUpHuman.net : @GruwUp.Net : @MuckedUpHuman.Net ] .."Mememtically Active" places for memes and memeplexes to flow and transcend for their service to humanity can have utilization of both private and/or public forms. These form informational "encapsulated objects" by defining a truth and foundation of detailed bases for understanding ours conflicts, ours concerns, and ours resolves of any matters that happen between all types of relationships. As simple as it is, these varied relationships all start from a single point of time when a bonding trust can and does spark between just two among the many. As simple in the here and now between just [ You ( a human) and I ( a human) ] ..These by carefully defining our just actions between us and our just deserved results for the peace bearing happiness concerns of all.. These are constructs that are all a part of "moral truth" and "trust building" motivations that we actually have been doing ever since humans have been upon this planet but we many don't realizes their complexity. Here is where a place to put an quantification and calculating values that set them standing firm, sound, and strong. In a digital form of cyberspace that cannot [ as true as this is ] be separated or be lost from our selves and our responsibilities of doing all things done with true conscientiousness standard of doing work and generous deeds upon others.is the focus state. ..PRESENT STATUS: A Conceptual Constructed Theory working to the service of All Truth can be in fact absolute Moral Truth. IF in design we take it to it's highest expanding limits which has not yet had even a single code of digital process begun. ..BUT the memespaces are still memetically active holding the pretense, one of the MOST UNIQUE set of internet domains to ever exist on the planet! ...Unity of Four - @Gruwup 2015.Unity of Four - @Gruwup 2015..image.gif.Person Living With HIV/AIDS - contracted for CLIENT SUPPORTIVE CARE SERVICES!.Company Name..Colorado Health Network - ClientCard #12153.Dates Employed.Nov 2012 – Jun 2017.Employment Duration.4 yrs 8 mos.Location.Denver Colorado.NOTE: This JOB POSITION EXPERIENCE is not a direct CONTRACTED EMPLOYEE OF Colorado Health Network / aka Denver Colorado Aids Network. THIS EXPERIENCE DETAILED HERE is from the other end of relationship - The Client Side Interface to Ryan White Care Act Social Services Agency. What is most important.... ..my JOB TITLE shows: ..Person Living With HIV/AIDS - As Such, I am contracted for CLIENT SUPPORTIVE CARE SERVICES!..http://denver-colorado-aids-project.business.site/..Denver Colorado AIDS Project.Wellness Program in Denver [ With GlassDoor Former Employee Reviews In View -- How can Wellness Be The Goal Mission Of Excellence ] : .........image.gif.Financial and Computer Operations Controller.Company Name..Paul Germain Enterprises dba Paul's Plumbing.Dates Employed.Apr 1987 – Jul 1999.Employment Duration.12 yrs 4 mos.Location.Oakland, CA.Business Management.· Business insurance coverage and renewals.· Business taxes & other government information and tax filings.· Construction contracts & lien law documents.· Researching public county recorder property records.· Writing letter correspondences.· Fixed asset tracking.· Company policy manual.· Company operating procedures manual..Business Operations.· Weekly payroll & tax payments.· Certified prevailing wage payroll reports.· Accounts payable.· Accounts receivable, contract billing & AR collections.· Job cost reporting & analysis.· Inventory & purchasing..Financial Operations.· State & Federal payroll report filing.· Reconciliation of bank accounts.· Reconciliation of general ledger .· Issuing financial statements.· Maintain accurate financial records for an outside CPA firm.· 401(k) data reporting..Computer Systems/Network Administration.· Operating systems installation & configuration; SCO Unix, Windows98, Windows 95, & MS-DOS.· Job batch & automated task shell script programming.· Y2K analysis.· Hardware component, network wiring & configuration.· Data integrity, backup, and archival.· Procedure documentation manual.· Critical data systems crash recovery.· Staff tutoring of application software & general computer operations.· Purchasing hardware equipment upgrades.· Telephone systems configuration for voice, fax, & data..Information Technologies, Data Processing, & Programming.· Original software application development programming .· Patch modification of existing source code.· Shortcut and automating the user input process.· Creating data input value filter processing & integrity validation.· Quick on-demand database searching/inquiry retrieval .Some examples of developed routines/applications:.· User message cataloging for output messages/multi-language support.· Uniformed non-GUI user-interface input/menu/help shared library routines.· Wordprocessing interface for issuing on-demand quick forms & text documents using data field replacements ..City of San Bernardino.Cosand Computer Center Page w/Developement of Lab Operations Software.Company Name..City of San Bernardino.Dates Employed.Jun 1984 – Apr 1987.Employment Duration.2 yrs 11 mos.Location.San Bernardino, CA.First work assignments were as a volunteer. This was my first experience exposure with computer technologies provided by the resource of the public library. They had 3 Apple ][ computers per library branch and I found myself traveling from one branch to the next to get as much computer time as humanly possible while also attending high school. ..I am mentioned in the Library Journal and the San Bernardino Sun Newspaper for the contributions of programming a BBS, electronic dialup bulletin board system from scratch as there was no commercial software of such applications available at the time...Nov 1987.Public Access Microcomputer Services in Public Libraries..My website online resume has a detail of what contributions I coded and developed for the San Bernardino City Library. I highly recommend linking to it if you are interested in this portion of my job experience. I cannot provide the details in this alotted space. ..I decided to use this space for an alternative purpose, to describe my life events as being a Targeted Individual conducted by the social services of the Ryan White Care Act local service agencies that I was signed up for client services. This element of my work/experience history is part of this LinkedIn career detail as they are dependently relevant on how I have been subject to an "information quarantine" as a person living with HIV in the United States of America. ..There is an online story of another library patron that also was a friend at the time doing this same emersion process of learning computing technologies. The story about me as his mentor is found on his facebook page. I have made this story that my online friend tells as a part of the media creations that are to carry forward into an understanding some details of shocking concern. ..Jimmy Escajeda July 13, 2017 [ Facebook Post ]..An audio media creation 1hr 40min SoundCloud presentation titled:..Angela Elizabeth Keady of Denver Colorado - You have Allowed Hate To Win ............