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  • Michael Gause
    Michael Gause 1st degree connection
    Ending Homelessness Program Manager at County of Sonoma
  • Makta Pond sent the following messages at 3:15 PM
    View Makta’s profile Makta Pond
    Makta Pond
  • View Makta’s profile Makta Pond
    Makta Pond

    I would like to chat to you as a person living with HIV/AIDS since 1999.

  • View Makta’s profile Makta Pond
    Makta Pond

    This living in the community with apparent hate internal of the community targeting me region to region leading to collapses of my residency tenancies which of course puts me into the streets of homeless. I have been in this hate paradigm interfering paradigm to a perpetual recycled feedback loop over and over for a period going on a full 15 years, always returning back to family care and the home in my hometown of San Bernardino. I have been lucky this family home here since age 5.

  • View Makta’s profile Makta Pond
    Makta Pond

    I consider myself living under this roof as a refugee status in a life plight from hate.

  • View Makta’s profile Makta Pond
    Makta Pond
  • View Makta’s profile Makta Pond
    Makta Pond

    The statement issued by The United Nations states: "Hatred is a danger for everyone so fighting it must be a job for everyone." Frankly speaking, Mr. Michael Gause, that would of course be referencing upon you. I am in desperate need. I am once again dealing with elements of this targeted hate against me.. Even in my hometown in 2020. I am age 54 and cannot trust any housing placement resources ( with history giving me good reasons ) that these haters will never never ever ever stop their hating on me. Local law enforcement of both the city police and the county sheriff will not emerse the needed involvement. I am stuck to have to deal with this for the entire rest of all days to the end of my life. This plain and simple here ain't right.. Morally corrupt to allow the haters to always, intentionally always, win!

  • View Makta’s profile Makta Pond
    Makta Pond

    You are given consent here to use LinkedIn messaging features to add anyone into this conversation if you think they may be able to assist me. Thank You OhKindSir (Google It ) Related results are the matches all smatched together.

  • View Makta’s profile Makta Pond
    Makta Pond

    Written to Attorney involved in housing conflict case Oakland CA Written May 20 2006

  • View Makta’s profile Makta Pond
    Makta Pond

    You are live here.v

  • Seen by Michael Gause at 1586290157149.
  • View Makta’s profile Makta Pond
    Makta Pond

    Hey there live Mr. Michael Gause

  • I about 95% finished with the companion email -- ready to be sent.

  • View Makta’s profile Makta Pond
    Makta Pond

    😣 Persevering Face

  • May convey various degrees and tones of frustration, sadness, helplessness, and struggle.

  • View Makta’s profile Makta Pond
    Makta Pond

    This update here may be a bit wordy...  may not flow smoothly, but the text here is scanned by Grammarly showing 0 issues. No No No No No No No No No, the answer is not to attach me to a mental health provider care interface.  I am already within that mental health current doctor interfaced care treatments here in locally San Bernardino -- Although Doctor Farooqi does not have the reaching powers [ or shows himself to be coward of such a power ] to reprimand and make a steering direction in the HIV/AIDS quadrant of association dysfunctions, disorder, and condoning existence that continues to deny my rights to confront these matters head strung! I am not delusional, not crazy, not insane, not a sociopath or psychopath nor a narcissist involved into a huge fake fraud hoax art performance stunt --- no no no no no no no no no --- that is not what we have here.  I have the right to DEMAND and I have the right to CONFRONT these matters of reasoned and rational truths --- for without these DEMANDS and CONFRONTATION actions, this can not, will not, would not, shall not address a proper empowered foundation of action needed here.  Without this backlighting and hate burning methodology, there is not a true grit reasoning here to be trusting that you all can come to the table honestly with no continued insistence to carry on what has been going on the long term, a hidden agenda held in secret that the majority of our inner working society knows but the greater American public remains ignorant of these truths.   Time and history are on the side of this mentally abused human, having his basic human rights violated at every whim, an author writing these words this date 2020, An HIV patient without an assigned HIV Doctor in current standing treating my disease.  However, seems to be in the mix of Pharmacy authorizations of continued medication refills.   I have not had my HIV blood work drawn and analyzed by current interfaces of skillful doctor care. I have been out of the assigned HIV doctor healthcare provider interface for over 365 days of a full year. As a person diagnosed and living with HIV and AIDS symptomatic since September of 1999, I am a long term AIDS survivor that has been left to my own devices.  My San Bernardino County Supervisor interfaced with this issue the ridiculous and outrageous standing directives in a written email that I should seek to signup with a remotely traveled agency out of town, even to suggest Desert Aids Project in Palm Springs.  As an American Citizen, I have the right to have created the use of and reserved the digital space for, and to continue to write and store upon a set of internet domains registered from 2005 that are highly extremely named as active onto our informational society.  That as it is currently structured to the unrestricted public access to this information data set documented of the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth, the digital storage space serves as a surface web indexed live life journal of United States citizen with 1st amendment rights to the freedom of expressions that cannot be taken away from my interaction property rights to hold in stark contrast of your positions based solely on class standing that remains to be prevaricating and avoiding the actual truth.  You all have not truly earned the virtue right of character that you continued to stall and delay to continue to not bring forward this truth and remain in darkness to be a continued denial that what is actually holding here is a  hate-based existence of decisions, motives, agreements, and observed policy hacks that are out of balance of the integrity of the written law policy of the Ryan White Care Act.   An informational quarantine that you must maintain diligently against the actions of truth at my hands to type and placed onto the printing digital press into cyberlife stamping record from 2005 to this year 2020.  To what level of guilty this is, it is on the criminal codebooks in federal statues, upon the actual harms being doing here to me and others in our society.  As though I need to educate and bestow this knowledge upon each and every new soul of directors, leaders, or managers bumped into this hate-based structure, not health-based wellness intention.  But as my time is morally just and needed to break this conspiracy permanently, without my human care of moral agency that I hold -- if I do nothing, it is not going to address #Gangstalking tactics that are embedded in the social services of an actively involved conspiracy [ #ConspiracyExposedTerminatesASAP ] which is directly holding ties of strong and forged metal fiber bindings to [ #GovernmentSponsoredHate ] and as a result of repeated cycles of attempting to locate a rational human being with the compassion of care and the courage of a lion [ #HivUntreatable ], all social services and doctor provider care ripped away from my interface to be actually asking an honest question.  I cannot maintain an open honest relationship of professional status with this wall of silence, bent on creation a condition of "informational quarantine" that is highly illegal and more to the point -- U N A M E R I C A N ! !

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