How to Become Your Best When Life Gives You Its Worst | Peter Sage | TEDxKlagenfurtConvert & Download

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Jul 15, 2019
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What would you do if you became the only non-criminal locked up in Britain’s most violent prison? That’s exactly what happened to Peter Sage. His world was turned upside-down when he served 6 months as the only civil prisoner in one of the UK’s toughest jails, but ended up winning acclaim, friends and a national award for his work that changed the lives of many prisoners. In this TEDx Talk, Peter shares his story along with how you can deal with the toughest situations and become your best when life gives you its worst. Peter Sage is a well known international serial entrepreneur, author, philosopher, personal growth expert, and teacher. His unique way of looking at and relating to life has inspired millions of people worldwide to reinvent themselves. Whether by improving or turning around a business or developing a new and empowering psychology through practical yet profound shifts in awareness, Peter hopes his insights and teachings can offer something of value to those who seek it. To find out more about Peter, visit his website and subscribe to his YouTube channel at This talk was given at a TEDx event using the TED conference format but independently organized by a local community. Learn more at
In my life, I have been dealing with gangstalking for 16+ years unstoppable. I gave up and boarded an Amtrak train to New York to head into the United Nations to DENOUNCE my United States Citizenry and change my country's nationality to some other country that does not allow the haters to win. I ended up getting pulled off the TRAIN and put into TEXAS JAIL --- and such a story of my own into my experiences in Jail. The NEXT BEST move after the charges was dropped after 58 days in Jail, goes to attempt to contact and communicate with the Local Law Enforcement Agency of Williamson Country Sheriff's Office --- and so far that conversation has not progressed -- so I must take this effort to the public to show them the contrast --- of complete silence. Silence is not an option here.. ** THIS COMMENT DOES NOT VIOLATE ANY YOUTUBE TERMS OF SERVICE * Stored Archive of Facebook Messenger To the Williamson County, Tx Sheriff's Office!.htm Audio Address To Community In View Of Re-Connecting To Mental Health Services: Please -- Can I have the attention of our shared collective social conscience. ? Thank You -- This comment should not be removed. But it will. For some reason I do not understand.
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Just what I needed "your environment does not define you, it simply gives you the oppurtunity to find yourself."
Excellent talk!! Then again..... I always expect top quality from Peter Sage. I hope it goes huge.... you deserve it with all the amazing work you have been doing for years and years!!! I love you brother!!! :) :) :)
When I was younger I always hated TED talks because they’d play them in school all the time. 15 now and I can’t stop watching. It’s amazing how much you can learn from these people. Props to this great guy for bringing such a great lesson to everyone.
What a great video, this is my summary: “The strongest force in the human personality is the need to remain consistent of how you define yourself” in other words it’s your identity! Which governs your decision-making. You can either adopt the identity of a victim when things don’t work the way you want or you can choose the identity of a winner and find the best out of every situation. Life is not a comfort centric experience, but a GROWTH centric experience. We are in earth school. The power of acceptance: don’t complain on something that has already happen, because you’ll be wasting your time. Stop thinking “if only” or “what if” because you can’t go back and change anything. By unhooking the energy of resistance and coming to terms of where you are you can free that energy to think of what the next best move is to deal with what happens. EVERY ADVERSITY (problem) CARRIES WITH IT THE SEED OF AN EQUIVALENT OR A GREATER BENEFIT. The difference between liberty and freedom: Liberty: restricting the free will and decision making Freedom: is a state of mind and nobody can take that away from you. Nobody can do anything to you emotionally without your permission. Your environment never defines you, it simply gives you the opportunity to define yourself. Everybody faces adversity, it’s not because we’re unlucky, it’s by design. THE BEST TREES DON’T GROW IN THE BEST SOIL, THEY GROW IN THE STRONGEST WINDS. When adversity shows up, and it will, start asking better questions like what can I learn and what I can become rather than what can I lose.
I can't even process the dude's mentality. He's so high on the emotional maturity level.
"Freedom is a state of mind, and nobody can take that away from you" - more important than ever these days
Doubt kills more dreams than failure ever will. ~wisdom~
Refreshing to have such profound principles taught through the lens of experience not theory. Seeing amazing results in my life having applied the principles mentioned in this ted talk. Thanks peter!
Thanks Peter. You are the real deal. There are only a few coaches outside who are able to walk the talk in those circumstances. You live what you teach and its a pleasure to have you as a teacher. Thanks again for this inspiring video. And btw I think it was a gift for the inmates to have you there.
Valuable life lessons, great job Peter Sage.
Anyone who has read the famous book Think and Grow Rich knows that every adversity carries with it the seed of an equal or greater benefit. Peter’s inspiring story is a stunning example of how to apply this concept in the real world and turn an obstacle into an opportunity to help others! Bravo!
Truly inspiring story. It’s one thing talk-in the talk but quite another walking it. I will be sharing this amazing story with my all my family, friends and business network. God bless you Peter.
Great talk ... I read the book of Peter "The Inside Track" and it is one of the best books I read !!!
I really like this man, he speaks the truth and delivers it in a way that makes me want to work harder.
Such a powerful story and such an inspiration for overcoming adversity in all our lives. Thank you Peter.
Super inspiring! I had Peter on my podcast a few months ago and people are still talking about how much his story, teachings and journey have helped them!
AMAZING talk, so very inspirational! (Best part? “I’ve never seen anybody so happy on their first day of prison!”)
"If you're complaining about something that already happened you're wasting your time"
Yessssss!!!! Peter Sage so proud of this talk, you made me cry and you inspired me at the same time. I am so looking forward to seeing what you are going to do next and i am glad you are out of there my friend. Big Hug.
I loved this Ted Talk Peter. You always manage to turn the negative into a positive. Forever my mentor