Makta Pond <>

YouTube Channel Commenting on Video [ Revealing the Mind: The Promise of Psychedelics ] --- PRESERVATION AGAINST CONTENT SUPPRESSION! Noted Captured 0 Seconds ago

Makta Pond <>Wed, Dec 22, 2021 at 10:29 AM
To:, "Ben Vonachen, Legislative Affairs Officer - APA Public Interest Government Relations" <>
Cc: "Track" <>

Dear WorldScienceFestival:

My real name is James Martin Driskill;


I need your review and your response, please.

"Ben Vonachen, Legislative Affairs Officer - APA Public Interest Government Relations" <>
The American Psychological Association is placed into view of this email. 

This is a COPY/PASTE of YOUTUBE commenting that is POSTED and if I leave the comment as POSTED assume that is a VALID STATE OF CONDITION, and I would correct the errors in the comment.  

The comment would be ok to edit and resubmit to its update revision. 

Because I knew this was going to happen, as I am subject to some OUTSIDE INFLUENCE of CONTENT SUPPRESSION:

If I REFRESH the page, I am sure, the comments will be removed.   

As I suspected, copies of the before and after -- placed into documentation here.

The after is sorted by MOST RECENT.  Can you tell what is going on here?  What would you suggest I do with my need to report these considerations as


This is a FACT!

Anyone who is involved in the support of these digital "filters encoded" in the technology and also who do not properly respond to my emails are guilty of SUPPORTING an enemy against the INTERESTS of the UNITED STATES of AMERICA -- and in so that support they become TREASONOUS in the view of the LAW -- when in the course of events, they become aware of the CONDITIONS that are INFECTED here -- OF  TREACHERY!

I cannot get TRUSTWORTHY MEDICAL CARE - ESPECIALLY IN HIV CARE - I have not been able to have an HIV CARE DOCTOR since MARCH 2019.




This is a FIRST CONTACT I do believe using this sender ID.

I am going to CATCH YOU ALL -- and FILE IN COURT if that be the United Nations!

GIVE it up!  


Revealing the Mind: The Promise of Psychedelics

3,850,446 viewsConvert & Download
Premiered Aug 16, 2019
960K subscribers
Nearly every culture throughout history has used chemicals that alter consciousness for spiritual exploration. In the 20th century these drugs caught the attention of scientists. Psychedelics, as they were named, proved effective at treating intractable illnesses like depression and addiction. And they became a tool for studying the mind, opening “the doors of perception,” as Aldous Huxley wrote. But those doors slammed shut when President Nixon declared psychedelics dangerous and medically useless. Join scientists and “psychonauts” who are now picking up where research left off 50 years ago, experimenting with LSD, psilocybin, DMT and other psychedelics to heal—and reveal—the mind. The Big Ideas Series is supported in part by the John Templeton Foundation. PARTICIPANTS: Alison Gopnik, Eduardo Kohn, Stephen Ross, Anil Seth MODERATOR: Emily Senay MORE INFO ABOUT THE PROGRAM AND PARTICIPANTS: TOPICS 0:00 - Introduction 6:05 - Panelist introductions 7:27 - What are psychedelics? 11:00 - Phenomenological effects of psychedelics 14:31 - Brain development and plasticity 17:15 - Psychedelic usage in the Amazon 19:43 - Amazonian ayahuasca ceremony 20:51 - Dissolution of the ego 22:46 - Default mode network 25:17 - Psilocybin testing on religious professionals 27:59 - The shaman’s message from the rain-forest 31:04 - Rain-forest soundscape 33:03 - Mind altering experiences without drugs 37:03 - Philosophical questions about psychedelics 42:37 - Can psychedelics restore brain plasticity? 45:16 - Measuring randomness of brain activity 51:58 - Psychedelic drugs as medicine 58:38 - Psilocybin cancer study participants film and Q&A 1:04:43 - Treating psychiatric disorders with psychedelics 1:09:23 - Micro-dosing and “freelancing” psychedelics 1:13:50 - Medical complications and medication interactions 1:18:14 - The future of psychedelics in science PROGRAM CREDITS - Produced by Nils Kongshaug - Associate Produced by Emmalina Glinskis - Short films produced / edited by Vin Liota - Music provided by APM - Additional images and footage provided by: Getty Images, Shutterstock, Videoblocks - Recorded at NYU Skirball Center This program is part of the BIG IDEAS SERIES, made possible with support from the JOHN TEMPLETON FOUNDATION. - SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel and "ring the bell" for all the latest videos from WSF - VISIT our Website: - LIKE us on Facebook: - FOLLOW us on Twitter:


James Driskill
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Greeting Humans, especially in the United States of America. I am involved in the very real and outrageous situation in my inner life - that has placed me in a daily day-to-day month-to-month year-to-year nightmare. This started all of the ways back to 2005 when it was registered a certain internet domain in view that at the time there were no such control laws for cyber-bullying. Believe me, I have tried to contact those resources since they have come online. In the case why they can not help in the circumstances is frankly sad to know. Sad to know that the local police department claims they don't understand what gangstalking is. Trying to educate them had become fatal and it is apparent as self-event the story that unfolds from 20005 when it was my need to say something about a reality that was and still remains noticed and challenged to not be able to bring this submit of very extreme concerns that I have put online access pages -- I need this comment to stand in view that the MENTAL HEATH CARE FIELD INDUSTRY is a part of the problems. That the MENTAL HEALTH CARE INDUSTRY has for the long term taken the extra effort to to export the twisted narrative in the collective society that persons to identify as TARGETED INDIVIDUALS of gangstalking are suffering from a condition of delusion and paranoia which has been a casting intentional lie, established to place a separation between those who are targeted individuals and a reasoned [ excuse ] that law enforcement will not be receptive of grant [ "Legal Capacity" ] to receive the reports from Targeted Individuals to seek a pathway of reprieve. This is one area point that is inverted of goals that have carried on a conspiracy of great insult on our nation's security -- against the country. This is something way way worse than you may want to realize. But my address is written and sound --- sane and true. I have been journalizing these effects on my life since Jan 2005, with the original time registration of [ HTTP:// ]. that are a piece of the inverted goals. of reports from Targeted Individuals. All of my internet domains can be SAFE SITE scanned, so there is no reason to remove this comment, at moderation misunderstandings. This page is THE OPENING of attempting to get community affairs real-time meeting to begin LOCAL to FEDERAL with all law enforcement -- to include the FBI. This is a real condition that is actively affecting persons in our society that has been researched and published that gangstalking is a real thing. This research is found on [ HTTP:// ] KeySearch [ gangstalking ]. Public Help Page --- Understand how this topic is unable to be discussed and placed into PATIENT-CARE initiation of concerns. These are OUTRAGEOUS details that are put upon the record. This page has a SPOKEN VOICE TEXT NARRATIVE interface. Yes, the URL filing reflects FBI.GOV --- Still Unconfirmed their receipt of these matters. Within the page URLs to detailed reasoning why GANGSTALKING should be considered an actual WEAPON TOOL of INFORMATION WARFARE that has put its TARGET at our entire COUNTRY to its COLLAPSE by the creators of a DARK SHARED APP, this CYBERWAR activity -- is WIDESPREAD. Audio OGG [ 1 Hour 28 Min ]: The allegiance to this dark side infecting our cultural is found everywhere -- to have my words SACRIFICED here -- at DEMAND of irrational CONTENT SUPPRESSION CENSORSHIP! This COMMENT on YOUTUBE does not violate TERMS of USE and is actually DIRECT RELEVANT to the MENTAL HEALTH TREATMENT field. Thank You! My Comment here is posted in my real name. I stand by the facts and assertions I relate. Grammarly has the following status of this comment. Nothing of it can be considered off the wall offensive or anything malicious. Tone detector How this may sound to readers: ☝ assertive 🎯 direct 👔 formal
Psychedelics tend to fix problems at their core, unlike modern medicine which tries to fix the symptoms. This is why psychedelics work great for depression, addiction etc..
Ive only ever had 1 psychedelic experience & it was with LSD at age 18. I grew up on a farm in south africa & researched LSD because friends of mine had talked about it. Eventually got hold of 2 pieces of paper & took it alone while my parents were away for the weekend. Long story short, it was day time & at the peak of the experience i looked into the eyes of an elephant & i just burst into tears because in that moment i saw the animal as something i'd never seen before: a living conscious being. That sounds strange because it seems intuitive & common sense but im talking about something very different. I saw life in its eyes, the entire world & everything that ever was & ever will be, it looked into my eyes & i just cant describe the connection we shared because it was the most profound moment of my entire life. I could go on about this experience & try to explain it but its just no use at all because words just cant convey it. It transformed my life & i became a veterinarian which i do to this day. 1 experience completely changed the course of my life because before that day I wanted to study law. I started being more creative like going to buy some paint stuff & just painting whatever i wanted with no expectations or anything - just painting for me......this is not how i used to be AT ALL! I never had any other experience after that because i felt that the 1 was almost too profound in itself & took me at least 7 years to fully work through - imagine taking 2 papers of LSD & standing face to face with an elephant gazing into its eyes. & that immense sense of trust & absolute majesty. My family own a wildlife lodge & we have elephants, zebra, giraffe, oryx, eland etc etc - walking amongst those beings was just something else & i can never forget that experience no matter what. Im not an advocate, an experienced user etc but all i know is that 1 day shaped the next 23 years of my life thereafter & i just dont know what happened but im extremely grateful
Lsd has helped with my social anxiety, I’ve been more open to strangers and less tense in social situations
Acid saved my sons life he was a heroin addict for 14 years tripped with some of his friends that only took phsycadelics and the next day he flushed two bundles down the toilet totally reset his mind he’s been clean 3 years
Mushrooms stopped all my suicidal thoughts and helped me understand that many things are yet to come and that I needed to learn to “Just Be”. When you learn this you’ll find inner peace
Psilocybin actually cured me of my amphetamine addiction in a single dose. It was unplanned, and somehow was able to pull me out of it. I also feel these drugs should be available to others who are suffering. It's absolutely fascinating how my brain was able to re-wire itself to never feel the need to use again.
I absolutely love this talk and the conversations it opens. I’m currently studying neuroscience as a degree and it’s psychedelics that really triggered my interest. Taking LSD was such a profound experience, the hyperconnectivity allowed me to view myself and my relationship to myself and others in a way I had never imagined possible. Beautiful and intense, though I must say irreversible effects. Which I mention because those kind of realisations should not be taken lightly, changing perception of yourself drastically fundamentally changes your personality at a neural level. I was young, 16 when I took LSD which maybe explains why it affected me so much but the power of psychedelics is undoubtable in my mind. I was also a firm atheist but my trip really questioned my beliefs. To this day, the supreme love and oneness i felt leads me to believe in something akin to god. This is just my story but wow I loved this. Hopefully I can study it further and in my lifetime see these substances decriminalised/ used as treatment. Am keen to try them again but I want to wait until my brain is fully developed. Love to everyone reading! So fascinating!




The Most Recent Comment is 14 hours ago -- even though what I have to say is real -- there is no reason to remove the content -- there is a FILTER in my way --- that PSOTS the COMMENT and the content just disappears -- can you explain this elusive element of KEEPING A SECRET of a CONSPIRACY? 

Please RESPOND with a REPLY!   The Font Size seems to be mismatched here in email.   You get the point.

Revealing the Mind: The Promise of PsychedelicsConvert & Download

3,850,607 viewsConvert & Download
Premiered Aug 16, 2019
960K subscribers
Nearly every culture throughout history has used chemicals that alter consciousness for spiritual exploration. In the 20th century these drugs caught the attention of scientists. Psychedelics, as they were named, proved effective at treating intractable illnesses like depression and addiction. And they became a tool for studying the mind, opening “the doors of perception,” as Aldous Huxley wrote. But those doors slammed shut when President Nixon declared psychedelics dangerous and medically useless. Join scientists and “psychonauts” who are now picking up where research left off 50 years ago, experimenting with LSD, psilocybin, DMT and other psychedelics to heal—and reveal—the mind. The Big Ideas Series is supported in part by the John Templeton Foundation. PARTICIPANTS: Alison Gopnik, Eduardo Kohn, Stephen Ross, Anil Seth MODERATOR: Emily Senay MORE INFO ABOUT THE PROGRAM AND PARTICIPANTS: TOPICS 0:00 - Introduction 6:05 - Panelist introductions 7:27 - What are psychedelics? 11:00 - Phenomenological effects of psychedelics 14:31 - Brain development and plasticity 17:15 - Psychedelic usage in the Amazon 19:43 - Amazonian ayahuasca ceremony 20:51 - Dissolution of the ego 22:46 - Default mode network 25:17 - Psilocybin testing on religious professionals 27:59 - The shaman’s message from the rain-forest 31:04 - Rain-forest soundscape 33:03 - Mind altering experiences without drugs 37:03 - Philosophical questions about psychedelics 42:37 - Can psychedelics restore brain plasticity? 45:16 - Measuring randomness of brain activity 51:58 - Psychedelic drugs as medicine 58:38 - Psilocybin cancer study participants film and Q&A 1:04:43 - Treating psychiatric disorders with psychedelics 1:09:23 - Micro-dosing and “freelancing” psychedelics 1:13:50 - Medical complications and medication interactions 1:18:14 - The future of psychedelics in science PROGRAM CREDITS - Produced by Nils Kongshaug - Associate Produced by Emmalina Glinskis - Short films produced / edited by Vin Liota - Music provided by APM - Additional images and footage provided by: Getty Images, Shutterstock, Videoblocks - Recorded at NYU Skirball Center This program is part of the BIG IDEAS SERIES, made possible with support from the JOHN TEMPLETON FOUNDATION. - SUBSCRIBE to our YouTube Channel and "ring the bell" for all the latest videos from WSF - VISIT our Website: - LIKE us on Facebook: - FOLLOW us on Twitter:


James Driskill
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All of these nerd dont even smoke DMT.
Ok, but why did the lady scientist choose to wear that shirt?? Its like wearing nipple pasties! I'm unable to focus when i see the nipple shirt!
just imagine the world if we could swap vaccinations with psychedelics LOL
that was big sad when he said, "this is also why the pharmaceutical industries has been less, maybe not so keen, we can't make many money out of it for christs sake, you want a drug that costs a lot that people take ever day" Our government and big pharma companies would rather keep people zombied out on antidepressants every day, not solving the problem and causing other side effects to patients. But to them it just means they can make more money off of these poor individuals. I believe with psychedelics we could find a cure for things like addiction and depression, that actually make a difference and lasts for long periods of time. Why is the government labelling this practice as taboo?
Ok I’m on shrooms and the intro of this vid had me tripping the noise
The crystal palace... better living through chemistry? Not gonna happen. The guy who studies shamans get's this.
Never did psychedelics but have had two spontaneous altered states of experience, which happened, days after each other. Not only were the experiences 'out of this world' but their timing was a Goddess send. I was in a tailspin at the time and loosing height quickly, I was even seeing a shrink at the time. Long story short: I left Freud and devoted myself to a study of mysticism. Flying pretty these days... Life handed me personal darkness and I turned it into a Satanic mysticism. If it's not broke, no need to fix it. Very good talk. Modern society has it's shamans too, even if they aren't recognized as such. Have tea with 4 years old to have a psychedelic experience! Love that and... yeah!